Damanhur was born in Valley of Сhiusella north of Turin, but in its 46-year history, it has inspired the creation of communities around the world, from California to Japan and Australia. We want to share with you the diverse experiences of Damanhurians around the world who have explored the meaning of living together, not only with one’s birth family but also with a ‘family by choice’. Let’s start with the story of the young and enthusiastic Stefano.

Stefano Ricciardelli is a young Damanhurian who, with eight of his companions have created from scratch an urban community named Assamil in Rimini (a city on the Adriatic coast, in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region).

The other day I was thinking about how over time my relationships have played a central role in creating me, defining who I am. I was reflecting on the importance of the quality of my relationships and on how much we, as people, feel the need to be perceived, to feel important to someone, to have a role in the lives of the people around us. How many versions of ourselves have we learned to live thanks to our connection with others?.. Stefano the son, Stefano the friend, Stefano the boyfriend, Stefano the footballer, Stefano the worker, Stefano the cousin, Stefano the university student, Stefano the…

Opportunities upon opportunities: to experiment, get involved, learn, live…

I believe that in this historical period now more than ever we need to find new, healthy and valid ways to stay connected to each other. We must learn to transcend the false American tale of a “self-made” person, an individualistic human being who creates himself/herself and does not need others, who is able to do everything alone… Biology suggests that we as humans are gregarious creatures that find its greatest fulfilment by acting in collaboration with the others.

Remember the riddle: “If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a noise?”? I ask myself: “If a human being lives and no one perceives him or her, can we really say that he or she has ever lived?”.

The quality of our life depends on the quality of our relationships.

Are you interested in community living? We would be delighted to share our experiences and what we have learned with you! Contact us to learn the options for visiting (once this again becomes possible) or contact the young Assamilians to learn more about their story.