Oracle of September 2023

Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

Care of the physical body and the spirit.
Healthy nutrition new focus.
Subtle and medical prevention campaign.
Respect for the elderly as the basis of ancestral culture.
Harvest and crops
to offer for the return.
Triangulations in action.
Enter the nets
the forces of Mother Earth.
New social experiments of control.
Oppositional force
works for confusion of the species.
Barter of diversity and excellence
outside economic and market logic.
Widespread inter-species encounters
in overt manifestation.
Visible effects at the next temporal eclipse.
Bath of humility for The Popolo.
Unite diversity without wanting to praise.
Esoteric conclave of devotion and re-foundation,
reinforces DNA of The Popolo
and memories that defend

from widespread newborn viruses.

Photo by: Claudio Rossoni

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