Oracle of August 2023

Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

Celestial ark, of messages, of mystical force
to produce accelerating and expansive ascension.
From Earth a new generating fire of contact with stars.
They return to communicate with human beings.
Great souls arriving. Connection to magical civilizations,
placed in maps of geographic time.
Emitting signals to be picked up. Spheres.
Though undecipherable, do listen.
Youth approaching, keep doors wide open.
Energies neither controllable nor able to be accumulated,
to be directed and spent in immediacy.
Festival of holiness. Moments of libation
and gathering the common harvest.
What the Popolo distils is a welcomed fragrance.
Paths are glimpsed from above, when flying high. Uncommon. Individual.
They draw and excavate signs of our human transit.
Aspire to be Divinity on Earth. In the good.
Restrictions are still developing, enveloping.
Freezing of trial-times and moments
of apparent stillness, they hide and protect.
Cyclical and multidimensional rereading of the voice from the minor star.
Floral and aromatic writing and reading, in dedicated gardens.

Photo by: Claudio Rossoni

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