Oracle of March 2023

Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

Stipulate pacts with nature spirits.
Large scale. Ally with high ones for protection.
Valiant for feats of danger. Real, deep sea.
Joyful, in heart, like children.
Continued temporal operations.
From Atlantis more frequent signals.
Cabins and portals. Initiates in synchrony.
Emitters and receivers.
Neural network of collection through rite/dream.
Temporal appointment with Falco,
two-way exchange of energy/information.
Inner substances to transform resentment into more heart sentiment.
Art and beauty. Restarting from the self and remapping the track.
Socio-political Tables changing towards new technocratic levels.
New people of power and temptation.
Black, blue, green gold.
Death from the East.
What seems still, moves; vigilance.


Photo by: Claudio Rossoni

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