In the universe of Damanhurian myths and heroes, Anansal occupies a prominent position. Falco Tarassaco presented him, as a fundamental element of his spiritual teachings, in the episode “The road to the central fires” of the Book of Awakening ‘Seven Scarlet Doors’.
In Anansal every man and every woman can recognize themselves because he represents all the passions, uncertainties and the heroisms that are within us. Compared to us, Anansal has learned to manage his feelings, and for these reasons he can inspire us.
He is the first human ancestor on this planet and our story begins with him. He is both human and divine, son of the “first mother”, who is the “seventh goddess”. She guides him towards understanding his mission and teaches him the value of choice.

Every choice is an oath, a commitment to oneself, to which Anansal is faithful. Thus, little by little he awakens the ancient memories of his own lineage and draws from them the wisdom that allows him to understand people.

Intuition and rationality

In the world in which Anansal lives, intuition directs rationality. To include and welcome diversity is the goal of every experience, according to a vision that today we call “matriarchal culture” and that in the dimension where Anansal lives is a natural attitude of being human.
This hero knows the light and shadows of his own inner world and knows how to fight through every part of himself. He fears his weaknesses, not because he is afraid of them but because he respects them. He knows he must be stronger than pain, loneliness and every form of enemy, and seeks within himself the resources to succeed.

When it is necessary, Falco Tarassaco tells in the book, Anansal fights, with courage and cunning, with strength and skill, with fear and passion, for the love of life and of the people to which he is bound. He knows that there is no final victory without many small victories along the way and for this he is attentive to every small gesture.
And like every human being, Anansal loves. Ama Setapta, its female completion. Setapta is a young woman with long hair, a creature sensitive to the art of alchemy. It is through love with her that the forces of the Feminine and the Masculine come together in Anansal, making him ready to face every challenge.

New beautiful stories

The Anansal hero is the older brother of each of us. In Damanhurian mythology, his figure is the one that shows us the way to go, the goal to aim for. And it also tells us that the boundary between the simple human and the hero is very thin. Our will can be firmly directed enough to transform ourselves into something greater.

The goal of our journey and personal history is the transformation of ourselves into the figure of a myth, through our victories, our courage, and our curiosity. Or, on the contrary, its goal is to make Anansal descend into our dimension, learning to recognize the great and small heroisms of others to the point of discovering that we are surrounded by wonderful people, from whom we can learn a lot and also teach a lot.
Anansal moves with our own gestures and lives our own feelings, which he understands even when we are confused, as often happens. He is a friend who shows us the direction to go. The sense of a hero, of a myth, for Damanhur, is precisely that of making us understand that everyday life is the ideal environment to host stories, thoughts, characters out of the ordinary… until we discover that there is nothing that is outside of the ordinary. We exist with our dreams, our limits and our virtues. Our desire, above all, to write new, and beautiful pages of life.