I am extremely excited to depart on this new journey with you, discovering the meaning of myths and the deities of the world, month by month. In 2019 we will discuss the first emperor of Japan, the goddess of the hunt, the highest spirit being worshiped, the goddess with the golden hair, and many more.
Do these stories carry meanings that are relevant to us today?
When I read myths and legends, they seem to whisper between the lines and answer questions I never knew I had, ones that seem very relevant in today’s world.
When reading about our January hero, Jimmu Tenno, who according to legend is the first Emperor of Japan, I found myself immersed in a story of courage, battles and a sense of mission. Here are some of the answers he whispered to me… 😉
Are we divine beings with human characteristics or humans being with divine ones?
Jimmu Tenno became legendary as both a human and a divine being, so maybe we can as well! We have the ability to conceive our identities, create stories, speak to each other (and sometimes understand each other as well ☺).
These are such amazing abilities that we could call them divine, couldn’t we? Seeing ourselves from this perspective makes it easier to feel in awe of life. While driving in traffic, we can witness ourselves as mere humans (and frustrated ones at that), but the very fact that we invented cars, making travel so much faster, is a characteristic that could be identified as divine. This is how it is in so many aspects of our lives, and God only know what our limits are!
We are here to claim new lands
Jimmu Tenno had a mission: claiming the lands of Japan and ruling over them. If we were to think not only in geographic terms but psychological ones as well, what we are called here to do is to conquer new and unknown lands. Only you know what that land is for you. For some people, it is conquering the capacity to speak in public. For others, it is conquering shyness in relationships. For some, it is to become independent. Each one of us has our own piece of land to conquer, and doing so makes it accessible to everyone. So, what are you waiting for, go out and conquer your piece! ☺
Are we peaceful or are we warriors?
Peaceful warriors. A contradiction in terms, or so it seems. No one wants to be in conflict, but it seems impossible to escape it in this world. Reading stories about courageous heroes like Jimmu Tenno, who fought more wars than we can count, makes it easier for us to approach conflict in a noble manner. We fight for what we believe in, not against someone else. We have clarity in our hearts about what is important, and we know when to bend down and when to stand tall. Jimmu also taught us that we might be descendants from the Goddess of the Sun -well, at least he is ;)- but she will not protect us from conflicts.
Politics as a divine act?
With the politicians currently ruling the states, it is hard to imagine that politics can be a spiritual, divine act. However, Jimmu Tenno shows us that in its primordial meaning, politics is divine. It is the capacity to translate spiritual concepts into a way of living. Creating a society based on spiritual values is what we are doing here as a species. It is in the translation that we are lost. What we have learned is that translating ideals into practice is not easy. Usually parties in contraposition each have valid arguments, and taking both sides into account, well… that is an art!
Have you ever read about Jimmu Tenno or other warrior-like heroes from mythologies?
What did you learn from them? Please share with us in the comments below.
~ Bertuccia Bietola
I am reading a myth, right now, about the story of Tristan and Iseult. This is about the psychology of romantic love. HOWEVER, it brings into play the development of the individual male consciousness. It is a “man’s myth”, yet tells deeply the problems of western culture’s consciousness. It has great value and interest to women, even now. It is written by Robert Johnson and the title is “We”. He wrote a
small series of books..He, She, We, Ecstasy. and Inner Work. We, was published in 1983. It speaks of the male aggression energy in different chapters. It is an excellent read for those who are journeying inwards.
oh, yes! I’ve read the book. It is another incredible proof that myths encapsulate the essence of our experience that transcends individuality and time. Thank you for reminding me of the book, I will look at it again. All the best! Bertuccia
When I was a young boy my father gave me a book – perhaps my first novel – The Adventures of Robin Hood. It was a myth about a man coming from the Nobels class of medieval England who abandoned his class privleges to fight the tyranny of a foreign power. This myth sank into my heart and guided many of my choices in later years, maybe because it was from my father, maybe because it awakened some deep archetype within me, or maybe both. I learned about embracing an ideal greater than oneself and the energy and power generated by that embrace. I learned how a people, united in love for life and good, can achieve their goals. I learned about sacrifice and how that is turned into value when combined with a mission to advance the quality of life for all. I learned the place spontaneity and humor have in any quest of value. And I learned that giving up riches in the material world and living in the woods, embracing nature, is not the sacrifice it would seem. Finally, I learned to be greatful to the one bringing the myth.
wow Thomas, that you for sharing such a personal story! It’s amazing how many lessons one can learn from such a small book. This is the power of the myth! Sending you a big hug, Bertuccia
Blessings to all at Damanhur.
You have become a center for seekers, and a hopeful place where people might be able to experience heart felt realization of their individual dream of integration and acceptance.
I have been watching for 10 years how your ‘feeling’ is impacting the world, and now am honored to add myself to your supporters. It has been a long journey to partial alliance with any man made organization.
I can only speak for myself as a warrior, and seeker of my own truth. Each one of us is on the path of personal enlightenment, of remembering our oneness with the divine spark we were born with, of our individual value and preciousness as one individual cosmological, spiritual, and physical cell that makes up the 7 billion strong body of man. The body of which in turn becomes the mirror that the divine male and feminine creator looks, in order to see the growth of its partly conscious creation. We are simply driven to ride our gift of life through it’s
becoming, until we become conscious of our ability to flower from within, and then become as beautiful as a spring flower in all its glory.
You are so important to the body of humanity, and nature, in its process of finding its individual, and united, joyful. expression of self.
Your birth in the 70’s heralded a new understanding, and became the new magical fairyland we have all looked for under the velvet moss, and under the grieving hill that buried our feelings in order to survive.
I have a dream to visit Damanhur, even to become a part of it, yet I know that I am part of you in spirit; even though, for now I am used in small ways here in Canada. I am happy you exist, I am sad that you have not seen us as a home where your vision might prosper….
Thank you so much Alan for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us, and we are humbled and grateful to see the impact our reality has created in your life. We hope your wish of visiting Damanhur will come true, and we encourage you to contact our Damanhur in the World team (dhintheworld@damanhur.org). They travel as ambassadors all over the world to bring the example of Damanhur in all the corners of the world. We already had conferences and seminars in Canada, it might be a place we visit in the near future, and we do see it as a home where the vision we bring might prosper. Many blessings! Bertuccia
Beautifully written. Thank you Betuccia. Mythology has a value that is undervalued and key in the reawakening of humanity. I love this conveyance of story through the monthly images of the Gods and Goddesses who have played within the story of humanity for millennia! Brava!
Thank You Betsy for being such an important advocate of the power of the Myth, and we are so glad you liked it. Con te! Bertuccia ????✨????