What family are you from?
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]We are four Damanhurians; Kokaburra, Gazzella, Gau and Iride and we were invited by the Foundation of the “New Species”, where the first “Ontological Family Seminar” took place in these last days.
What does “ontological family” mean?
We do not mean the family as it is commonly perceived in the globalized world, despite its many possible variations, but rather the “chosen” family, which supports a person’s path towards growth. The term family comes from “faama”, meaning “home”; “Onto” instead means ‘Being’, therefore ontological family means ‘Being Home’, as a profound value, which unites us in a single kinship as human beings who are immersed in the flow of the Universe.
Here then, we can all be considered home, or a brother, a sister, father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandfather and so on, for ourselves and for someone that we care about. Someone who is in our hearts because they have helped us grow through the story that has become our history. In this story we are intertwined in health and in sickeness, in fortune and failure; aspects that are only apparently opposite, as in reality they are equally useful for the completion and enrichment of our final ontological essence.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”60391″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]
Damanhur’s experience as an ontological family
During the conference we talked about our personal journeys and the richness of our school, we brought our elaborations on the topic of disease and how it can help us to connect more to others. We have transmitted a living Damanhur and shown the fruit of the ancestors who cultivated it and made it grow. Kookaburra and Gau, young women who grew up in Damanhur, also shared their experiences, who today are young, adult women, that have matured within a community path.
Our speech, with four voices, produced strong emotions in the audience, visible by the tears on the faces of the participants and on our own, when at the time of mentioning Falco Tarassaco, Mariano Loiacono, president of the “New Species Foundation”, invited everyone to dedicate a round of applause to our founder and teacher.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”60393″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]Gazzella has donated her book ‘Living in Freedom‘, to the Foundation, which contains an old article written by Falco Tarassaco, ‘Sprouts of a New Species‘, because it was precisely the title of this editorial, to put us in touch with this reality synchronically. More than ten years ago we typed this title on the internet, to see if others had already used it as we wanted to adopt it for a conference and so this is how we discovered the title ‘New Species‘.
In your opinion, what is the ideal formula for life to show the best version of ourselves and create a New Species?
There is no ideal formula for life to show the best version of ourselves . If there is a formula at all It is probably something that we create everyday as we improve ourselves as humans.
But I suggest connection with each other in a deep sense and feeling part of a significant wholeness would be a good stating point for the creation of a new specie.
Society as we have it today is far from this deep connection , it is madness not wholeness and it is based on values that will lead us to destruction .
Being well adapted to such society and such values is a sign of insanity and shouldn’t be seen as a sign of success.
Dear Marta, great to hear from you! We agree, there are many different formulas possible, we wanted to share opinions on which ones people see as the best one. We do agree with you that connection and meaning is a great base for a healthy society! Have a great day! ????✨????