Please use these elements as source of reflection and meditation for this month.
Elements present in the forecast:
1) The energy resultant of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets on the zodiac signs
2) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.
Energy +49-6 = +43
20 – THE JUDGEMENT – Inspiration, unveiled knowledge, prophecy, reading synchronic signs, stable renewal, theurgy, magic of completion, rebirth… INF. MOON-MERCURY.
6143 – Add a tone of two days to your biorhythm. Sensitive seasonal and lunar changes for you. – You are not well. You must give yourself more order.
4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)
Energy +36-7 = +29
68 – THE HOUSE – Domicile, protected place, childhood memories, shelter, home management, economy, extraction, influence of the birth place…
2114 – Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. – Favorable result. Do you deserve it?
4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)
Energy +34-14 = +20
72 – THE PRESENT – Now. Immediately, currently. Right away. Assistant, witness, presence…
4443 – Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune. – Decisive choices, important.
7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst.
Energy +43-8 = +35
71 – MONEY – Wealth, value, amount, currency, silver, valuables, antiques, goods…
3145 – If you are so good in what you do and what you decide, demonstrate that it is not presumption. – Wordplays.
1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby.
Energy +51-11 = +40
0 – THE FOOL – Disorganization, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, superficiality, but also innocence, improvisation …
1626 – Watchful; your business clearly improves. – New companions, you are truer.
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise.
Energy +20-15 = +5
37 – BLOND WOMAN – Ability to distinguish, inner honesty, principles, wisdom, sense of justice, honest person, distinction…
4264 – Signs are all around you. Now that you know, look. – Learn to observe and intimately perceive.
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.
Energy +23-8 = +15
27 – DELAY – Distance, far away, postponements, delays, difficulty in achieving something, cooling down of situations, suspensions, postponed judgments, new perspectives and strategies are necessary…
1514 – Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you. – Learn to listen to yourself, as you speak.
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.
Energy +15-14 = +1
54 – AFFLICTION – Displeasure, crying, tears and sighs that relieve pain, remorse and regret that can teach you something, outpourings of the soul, rethinking…
2461 – Blood. Animality. Brotherhood, wrath. Be Just. Rights. – Studying modifies instincts.
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx.
Energy +22-33 = -11
50 – DRESSED MAN – Judge. Observer. Councillor. Doctor, physician, healer, gives comfort, assists…
4224 – Give a little gift, even if it is not a special day. This is Synchronic in the chain of events. – Rewarded generosity.
4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)
Energy +21-15 = +6
32 – COMPANY – Group, society, organization, community, association, affiliation to something… Band, organized mass, cohort, legion, school class, sect, applied philosophy, religion for the few, selective…
3514 – There is initiation and realization. Every pure effort will be rewarded. Sacrifice will be victory. – A sentence remembered, heard some time ago.
3 – Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz.
Energy +16-35 = -19
40 – THE CITY – Native place, homeland, origin, country, city, citizenship, town, village, site, starting point or new beginning…
4314 – Today and tomorrow the earth is propitious for you. Above and below. Act. – Clay. The senses. Smell, taste, touch.
5 – Movimento, cambiamento inatteso. Vivere le esperienze. Sapersi adattare. Libertà, progresso… Colore: celeste. Pietra. Turchese.
Energy +16-34 = -18
25 – STRANGER – Strangeness, suspicion, unknown out of choice or laziness. Uncommon, unimaginable, unheard of, unexpected, unusual, anonymous, strange, apprehension…
1333 – The lance and the shield. Water purifies, blood consecrates. Remember. – Fight your enemy. Inside. You can only win, with justice.
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise.
Movement of the Planets
Mercury in Virgo, Libra on the 5th, Scorpio on the 27th.
Venus in Cancer, enters Leo on the 6th.
Mars in Aries, becomes Retrograde on the 9th.
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Made by Delfino Mogano
Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.
Get now your own deck of Damanhurian Tarots.