The music of the plants, at Damanhur, excites everyone! There are many researchers who study new protocols every day to deepen the study of matter for example, the citizens, who listen, reflect and relax at the sound of their tree friends, visitors who consider the musician plants as one of the most valid reasons to spend a period of regeneration in the Federation of Communities. Then there are the plants themselves, at least judging by the ability with which they dedicate themselves to music, that they manage in this way to explore aspects of life that otherwise, perhaps, they would not know.

Yet, the concerts of plants with humans are but the advanced point of a broader research, which invests the scope of communication between humans and plants. The music of plants, while pleasant and entertaining, would simply be an amazing phenomenon, if it were not the fulfillment of a relationship path aimed at achieving a condition of exchange between these different species.

Plants and humans: really two different species?

Well, let’s not joke: humans and plants are quite different, we believe that it is quite clear. But the study on the sensitivity of plants and trees also highlights many similarities between us. In Damanhur research in this area began in the second half of the seventies, when the first community was not yet fully inhabited, but already communication with trees was the object, not only of research experiences, but also of courses open to the public. While on the one hand, especially in those early years, the topic has been treated above all in terms of respect, sensitivity and mediumship, over the years many new possibilities have emerged to observe the phenomenon from a more rational point of view. From this point of view, many different surveys have been carried out in the world over the last thirty years. In fact, since the end of the last century there have been more and more people who think that the life of plants is also made of thought, feeling, curiosity, perception, and a lot of interesting research has opened new perspectives.

What does science say?

One of the most recent studies, explains that even if deprived of eyes and ears, at least of eyes and ears comparable to ours, plants are able to see, hear, smell and respond to signals and environmental hazards, in particular to virulent pathogens. They manage to do so thanks to some hundreds of different proteins able to respond to microbes and various other types of stress. This is stated by Shahid Mukhtar and Timothy Howton, of the University of Alabama.
Acknowledged that only a small part of these sensory proteins is known and cataloged by classical genetics, the team of American researchers, including teachers and students, created the first “network map” for about 200 of these proteins. It is clear that some of them serve as key nodes fundamental to the integrity of the network itself, while further interactions emerge yet to be understood in their function. What is certain is the high level of biological perception and response of plants, strictly related to the connection between different “individuals”.

Relationships are important to them too

So not only do the plants perceive the surrounding environment, beyond the biological responses to water-earth-wind and so on, but they do so also because of their relationship with them. Also the relationship with their “dissimilar”, that is for example with us humans, is therefore not only possible but very probable. Music belongs to the category of stimuli to which plants respond most and which in turn they seem to be interested in reproducing. Who has witnessed demonstrations of music of plants , also knows how they are sensitive to the type of attitude and thinking, it would be said “of desire for communication” that people express to them, and they respond accordingly.

The whole sphere of communication between human beings and plant beings, which has developed in the early years especially in an empirical key, is destined to develop in the coming years in an academic key. Who knows that one day we will not notice, through sophisticated scientific equipment, that even the plants are, to their amazement, realizing that even we humans, after all, know how to think and speak!