Robert A Vars Gaup, shaman of the Sami people, was invited to Damanhur to share his wisdom and transmit it through the Synchronic Lines, the great rivers of the energy of the world. The Sami are an indigenous population of about 75,000 people located in the northern part of Fennoscandia, extending from the Kola Peninsula to central Norway, including the northernmost regions of Finland and Sweden.

At Damanhur, with his traditional dress and ritual drum, the Sami shaman celebrated contact with the spiritual forces connected to his people, which was amplified and received in the spirals of the Sacred Woods Temple. He lit a sacred fire and called his ancestors, the spirits connected with them and the forces of the north wind. He did this while walking in the spiral where representatives of indigenous peoples are invited to deposit their knowledge and values, so they may be preserved and amplified through the Temples of Humankind.

After the ceremony, a falcon – which is the shaman’s totem animal – hovered low in the sky, flying in circles around him and the group of Damanhurians who were gathered near. The falcon was giving a clear salutation before flying off toward the Temples.

The crystal that Robert brought with him, which he left in the spiral as a testimonial, was perfectly integrated with one of the crystals that was already present, as if it were waiting for the arrival of the Sami crystal for some time.

Robert was gifted a scarf that was hand-woven in Damanhur, as an expression of the bond that unites our peoples in a living network of connection, orienting all of humanity toward respect for life and the earth, of which indigenous peoples have always been the caretakers.

When we asked his impressions of this visit, he told us that he was impressed by the people, the beauty of the Temples, and the mission we are enacting. He encouraged us to continue protecting the value of the diversity of the peoples, because this could be of great importance for the whole world.

The emotions that stay with us after having welcomed the representatives of various peoples from the world are: hope, joy,  and the certainty that the magic of this profound sharing can germinate the seed of a new era. Today, the shamans of indigenous peoples are the spiritual mothers and fathers of this birth, the only ones who can preserve and transmit the spiritual heritage of humanity.

If you feel the desire to be part of this new era, you may enter into the Popolo Spirituale (Spiritual People) , and share the beauty of feeling united in a common direction…