The ‘Quests’ are dynamic formulas that can be used in meditation and in daily life. Their formulation is the result of the collective conquests of Damanhur but each person can interpret them according to their talents and their characteristics.

In the succession of the Quests that characterize the spiritual life in Damanhur, the 1st Quest  inspires to generate actions full of potential. If these actions are carried out with continuity and density, as quoted by the 2nd Quest , they come naturally to the transformation, which is the basic value of the 3rd Quest.

The transformation referred to in this Quest concerns both the actions themselves and the individual: the former is transformed because together with the unfolding of time the conditions also change, and to maintain consistency with the initial choices, the same actions change physiologically. The continuity in the action of the 2nd Quest is therefore not intended as static conservation, but as dynamic evolution. At the same time the individual, while remaining coherent with his initial choices, is transformed by virtue of the force expressed through the combination of action and continuity.

The 3rd Quest opens up new logic, as transformation requires a substantial leap in one’s vision.
When one begins to move away from repetitive patterns due to habits, from the chain of instinctive and/or impulsive reactions and one begins to guide oneself through more conscious actions and the perception of life changes radically. Getting out of our “shell” makes us realize what surrounds us, we are no longer the “center of the world” but part of a more complex ecosystem.

The 3rd Quest then addresses personal behavior towards the “state of transformation”, that is to say the ability to be continually new, even when doing things already done, using and developing one’s creativity, opening oneself to the sacredness of life and even questioning oneself
on the existence of other intelligences around us. It is the Quest that leads from the “I” to the “we”.

The question that arises is: now that you are no longer affected by conditioning and forced ideas, can you begin to feel how much life exists around you, not only on the material level but also on the energetic, subtle and spiritual levels?