What modern science say
In our modern day, quantum physics has stumbled upon findings that could answer some of the most curios questions of life, like if there’s an existence after death. Quantum physics clearly show a relationship between the physical world and consciousness, even to the extend that early quantum theorists, like Max Planck, argued that matter derive from consciousness, and not vise versa. Also physicist Nicola Tesla claimed that only when science start to study ”non-physical” phenomena, humanity will take important leaps forward.
The death of the body
Also, in countless occasions people have been regarded as clinically dead, and then been brought back to life through for example CPR, and when coming back many can describe being conscious outside of the body, and even retell conversations of the people in the room. These discoveries challenge us to review what we thought we knew about life and death.
Learning how to die
Damanhurian philosophy mean that there is no real ”death”, at least not as how we are used to think about it in the western world. To speak of death is to speak of life, because dying is regarded merely as a passage to another ”life”.
A promise of life is that everything that has a beginning also has an end. Thus, dying is respected as an important element of our existence: we breathe, we eat, we grow, we love, and we die. However, in our modern culture we don’t investigate the nature of dying, putting emphasis only on the beginning, and not on the end. But dying is as important and being born, and it’s an art that we must learn to master while living, to prepare ourselves to be able to live the moment of dying with joy instead of fear.
We start moving closer to death from the day we are born. From one transition to another. Childhood and the adolescence helps us to prepare for autonomy, adulthood and ”real life”. But at what stage of life, do we prepare for death? Who teaches us to die?
– Learning to Die, Falco Tarassaco –