Flight over the vanity of the Gods, over the will of men, beyond the boundaries between one universe and another, through life, death and intermediate stages. Places of creation, worlds, galaxies, unbearable materials, thoughts, citadels, altars, minds of race, romantic stories, lies a journey around what exists. I have the power to decide the direction in which I move and to choose a point in which to stop. I have the power to decide what, among the thousand recalls that are prayers, sacrifices, temples, and poems sent to me, that motivate me to deviate. Everything calls me, I am very interested, but nothing can sway me: I decide the direction and if and how to release energy. I contain, I measure, I distribute.
I create. I give strength, but maybe it is more?
Meteorite, spear, shield, chalice: in your world these are the clothes that until today I gave myself, that you have collected, through which you sang to me. I’m not any of them, but through their manifestation, like a bird on the branches of a tree, which is not their own chant but through it announces its arrival.
What am I? I am different, you can recognize me by my differences, by what I am not.
What I am not: everything you can define and then close in a form, a thought or a name. You really cannot understand me, but it’s correct that you try, because in this way you give me the chance to decide whether to let myself be understood by you.
Pure power.
But I do not have the power to live with forces weaker than me. I can transit and stop, but I do not stay. My nature burns what it meets, if what it meets is not prepared for the meeting; and it never is, here in your world, not because of weakness but because finiteness in form and vagueness in time represent the codes of your universe. I reach the brightest points, the brightest stars in the inhabited universes and I stop in contact with them a time neither necessary nor sufficient, simply a possible time.
It is free will, this? No, it is freedom, the highest expression of free will.
Now I choose, in your world, to visit the human creatures one by one. I am no longer the chalice, forget every symbol with which you have circumscribed me every time. Now you’re not the one to look for me, it’s me inside you, like an anomaly in your body. When you are sick, I am inside of you. You are near me. You have the opportunity to get in touch with my essence. Illness is the sign of my closeness, as once was the chalice, sought by knights and men of faith, the container of my strength. Now, in this new era, I choose to show myself to everyone, not just those who “know”. It’s up to you to understand why I came to look for you, what I came to tell you, and how to treat the distillation of our meeting, after you have overcome the illness with which I announced myself.
Do not fear the transience of your vigor and your health, because it is thanks to it that you can perceive that I am here. Learn to understand in your vision of things both the good fortune and the hardship that it costs to cross the desert, when we realize that we are no longer masters of our body, and we would still want to be.
Stay close to those who suffer and through them you will be close to me. Whole generations of spiritual travelers would give many of their lives for this opportunity. Live it for them, too, as I’ve decided not to be there, also live for them and project it along the lines of time towards them. They will then have the opportunity to get closer, in the form that I had then, and to imagine the future, that is you. I move energy, I measure it, I pour it over time, which like a great system of communicating vessels keeps the balance of the lives.
And nothing is wasted, everything is used and regenerated.