Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

Incoming celebrities. Ancestral rhythms connected to you.
Communal breathing and sighing unite again.
Scents from the fields fill the soul
of life and rediscovered simplicity. Food sobriety.
Compass of Horus guaranteed by his priests.
Intercessions from superior beings. Messages come unheeded.
Warnings will not be repeated, do not repeat them.
Adverse times for people who are enemies of themselves
who now attack what they were meant to love.
The exaltation from arrogance consumes everything like a swift fire
Who no longer recognizes, forgets and moves away.
in the sea of time. Apparitions in the skies, sorrowful shadows
and unconscious resignation. Insincere markets.
Rain of speckled spheres dance.
Short, intense cycles with their use.
Open fantasies. Kaleidoscopic views.

Photo by: Claudio Rossoni