Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

The voice
Cultivation and protection with Vajne.
For the world, hope inspired by you through
groups and knowledge.
A blink from the Triad. Completion of cycles and
galactic-human leaps into new beginnings, anchors the
seal of the origin-end point,
on the longed-for anniversary.
Ancient higher spirits connect
in the movement to and from the planet, with spaceships
ready to restart engines. Attempts to
communicate and contact with stars
and distant depths.
White mirror, black mirror create reflections of
reality. Predict a densification of the mother world,
prospective dream
to cultivate towards transcendence.
Entropic immanence engulfs towards oblivion.
Spirit guides consulted, personal selfs consulted,
Mantra of words and writings really wanted to
access chosen depths.