Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:

Reconnecting with ancient covenants.
New circles being prepared around insights beyond the dream.
Temporal pantographs, using the odd codes.
Ancient spirits reborn in the yearly wheel, in the eternal rebirth.
The year of the formation of the adult self.
Turn your head to the rising sun, your back to the darkness of night.
Meteors of arrogance receding.
Shields of naivety defend against the elements of disenchantment.
Seeming defeats conceal successive actions, resist with confidence.
Ready for spring first fruits.
Dim but indomitable light will be wisely read and recognized by returns and awakened neophytes.
Increasing numbers to spare according to the law of attraction.
Coherent, progressive and systematic.
Persia in Focus. Rescue thinking. Massive action.

Photo by: Claudio Rossoni