Response for Damanhur and those who are listening, as collected by those present:
Continuous attacks,
intensified magical coverage.
Release celestial tessitura (weaving),
solidifies the position of Damanhur and allies.
Every sun shines in the sign of Oro.
Animal race minds help the separation of the planes.
Anacoluthons, diversions and adaptations.
Serendipity manifested as an archetype
to be cultivated in the nascent new year.
Tired warriors, but the front pushes on.
Final sprint with faith to cross the finish line.
Forward-looking sea. History, even personal,
counts more achievements than mistakes.
Value the single color by keeping it
separated/united on the canvas of the events of the Popolo.
The current goal is to trace the sign
to find it in the right time.
Atlantean deities placed on maps.
Design. Visualize arcane observation
in the game of the Council. Temporal leaps and bounces.
Through the time sphere, bring support,
hooking lines, with rites and formulas
in the name of the Deity.