The paradox
From the beginning of his dialogue with the people, Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, spoke of the importance of activating the “inner master”. It is important to be free in your choices, convinced and responsible, to become your own spiritual guide, without seeking in the experience of others the suggestions for your life.
Practically all sages from Krishnamurti to Eckhart Tolle, have also pointed out the importance of bringing the focus of attention to oneself, not to the teacher, albeit with different words and examples. They said as Falco has, that the important thing is not to follow a master but to form a new one within yourself. But if that is true, then what is a spiritual guide for? Those who follow Falco, Osho, SaiBaba, Gurdjeff and many others, were they wrong? Also if the masters themselves have said it, is it not a contradiction, a paradox?
These are questions, to which Damanhur answers in this way: those who follow a teacher certainly did not make a mistake and will continue to do the right thing by going in the direction of the inner master. As for the paradox, after all, a spiritual path is a way to make that which seems opposite, harmonious. For example, spirit and matter and also the idea of the paradox is valid!
What does it mean to activate the inner master?
“The teacher is a traveling companion who already knows the way, which can show you a path; the path should be made by everyone, with their own legs, free to spot or make a mistake at every fork in the road. “So I explain in the book Falco Tarassaco. The dream, the message, which is dedicated precisely to the teachings of my spiritual guide. Each of us chooses a path, a reference figure, a “color of wisdom”, that is a teacher. Even this, if we think about it, is an action accomplished by the deepest part of ourselves. It is not the teacher who chooses you, it is you who chooses them.
Subsequently, applying a teachers philosophy is an act of free will, of coherence and choice.
But it is necessary that adherence to a philosophy is open and conscious. No spiritual guide would be happy, if they are a real guide, with students who accept all the contents and experiences proposed, without asking where they lead and, above all, without at some point choosing new ones, independently.
From being children to being parents
The student must overcome the teacher, then? Yes, always or at least he must try.
The inner teacher is that part of us, that level of maturity achieved, which allows us to receive the witness from the teacher “outside” and bring it within, just as when we become from being children of our parents, parents of ourselves.
To form the inner master, you must have met a teacher, who will guide you in the steps of discovery of yourself and that will free you from fear. When we succeed in taking this road without presumption, the awakening of the inner master begins. The teacher, still incarnated or now perhaps far from the physical form, at that point does not stop being there, but still has much to give although there are changes in the way that we absorb the teachings.
Not debtors but grateful
The teacher must be chosen. Who for some may say beautiful and profound things can be for others not very significant. There are those who are aware of being a strongly inspiring presence and those who do not imagine being seen by others as an example. The teacher must be chosen precisely because each of us is moved by different emotions and colors of wisdom. The next step is always that of the inner teacher, of finding within himself the answers and the stimuli we are looking for.
In the end, if we feel indebted to those who have guided us, that is, in a relationship of non-equality, it means that we must still continue to seek outside and build within ourselves; if what we feel inside is gratitude, it means that we are on the right path.
Stambecco Pesco