
The Damanhurian concept of indifference is very different from the usual sense of the word; it means completing an action without remaining absorbed by it. In general, one acts out of interest, to have a personal advantage. On the other hand, if one succeeds in acting without getting absorbed by the result of the action, that action will be completed with indifference. Indifference can be acquired in steps.

 Sense of Humor

A certain dose of humor is necessary. Knowing how to see the events that we are involved in, not in a suffering, tragic or personal way, but with the detachment that comes about from finding the humor present in every situation.

Being Free

According to our school of thought, it is impossible to live in the moment if we find ourselves limited by any kind of bonds (material, economic, emotional) that keep us tied. Excessive attachment to these aspects makes us slaves, of passions, desires, fears. A certain we're off!dose of freedom is necessary, in this sense: freedom from the things that are imposed by the media and by everyday habits, freedom from the things that don’t let us express who we really are.

Being a Container

This means being open, knowing how to be a container for diverse elements and ways of thinking. Being a container gets us closer to the concept of indifference.


We necollective community visioned a lot of imagination, creative, intuitive. Imagination in the practical and literal sense of the word, to see, advance and accept all the consequences that comprise living in the moment. Imagination can offer solutions when all the pathways seem blocked. In that moment, it is a characteristic that only human beings have, and it becomes the most important one.

Beyond Morals

The consequences of living in the moment can be remarkable. We are all constantly put in a framework, guided by morals determined by the environment in which we live. Moving out of this framework means being criticized, or it could even lead to being condemned and imprisoned, as it happens in totalitarian regimes of any kind. Living in the moment leads us to go beyond the concept of morals, which does not mean becoming immoral, but rather overcoming the current concept of morality. Morals are not universal ethics: they are connected to a certain cultural environment and era, and they change with history, circumstances, parties, powers, and so on.


It is necessary to act before the moment fades, to take advantage of the synchronic moment and act in that precise instant. The action must be completed with total participation, fully exercising one’s free will. At Damanhur, we believe it is better to act and make a mistake – and therefore to learn, than to avoid action and procrastinate making choices.80

Synchronic Moment + Free Will = Living in the Moment

The synchronic moment is to be seized, which means experiencing the situation of every moment, even if it is unexpected, innovative, whatever moment or event, even the most banal ones. Choose to be in it and participate with intensity, with a sense of humor, and all the other ingredients already described.

Other basic ingredients of living in the moment are:

The joyous moment (living in the moment means joy experienced from beginning to end, totally)

Aware acceptance of the consequences of one’s own choices and actions.

Going beyond habits.

Coherence, with respect to one’s own choices.

Be daring, aiming high, that is, aim dirPortrait funectly at the goal.

Non-attachment to the fruit of action.

Altruism, think of others and not of oneself.

Sincerity, don’t make up stories to tell oneself and others.

Without being attached to the fruit of action, those who live with indifference and live in the moment do not produce karma.