Dreams are the intertwining of thought and emotion that is closest to fantasy and imagination, and it is from these energies that the most beautiful things are often born. Not by chance, we often say that Damanhur was born from our ability to dream and give substance to the dream. Then, because, they represent a door between concrete, everyday, conscious reality, and the sphere of infinite possibilities, placed in dimensions that are not far from us but that cannot be reached with simplicity.
The world of dreams is very precious to us. It rearranges the experiences of the day, elaborates those that are most frustrating, and above all, in its deepest levels, it takes us out of ourselves, and puts us in contact with states of existence in which life continues through other forms. These are levels linked to lucid dreaming, investigated for several decades also by neuropsychiatry as well as by many sensitive people, to whom we dedicate this Damanhur University course.

And the continuum?

When we learn to dream with awareness, not limiting ourselves to letting the dream simply happen, but consciously guiding our dream life, it is as if we can double our capacities to do things, to discover the world and be calm. This is possible because we increase time and energy that we can dedicate to ourselves and to what we love.
A question arises spontaneously: why is there no continuum of awareness between everyday and dreamlike reality? Why are we not aware of this continuity, of this journey in its entirety, and can we not master this part of our life as we master the other, that of the waking state?

It’s easy to say that we “master our waking life”. That’s quite an optimistic statement! Several things prove it. We have neither awareness of all the sensory perceptions that our body registers, nor of all the thoughts that run through our brains, that are knotted together and then forgotten after a while. During the day we are full of physical and mental automatisms which, when they are pointed out to us by others, seem improbable to us.
Let’s give it a try: would you be able to describe exactly what your physical position is and to distinguish all the sounds and smells you feel while you are reading this? What was your last thought before starting this test? In short, with the concept of mastery during the waking hours, you have to go slow! However, certainly in the daytime phase of our life we ​​have a greater conscience than the nocturnal one. But inside of us there is a fracture that makes awareness of the dream much more difficult.

Like with the past lives

With past lives, if we think about it, the same thing happens. If we could remember it clearly, we would have an entire library of experience, knowledge, wisdom, which would make our current life, if not a paradise, certainly a more beautiful challenge to face. Having already seen it all, we would have the certainty that everything has a meaning, a significance, and a solution. Instead, our memory is always interrupted at the end of each experience and at most we keep within us feelings and weak clues, which are explored in the search for past lives course.

A road to travel

The absence of a continuum between being awake and dreaming, as between one life and the next, is one of the most difficult, and most humorous challenges to which the human being is called, a very rich creature with infinite possibilities but… he doesn’t remember! One of the definitions that Falco Tarassaco gave of himself, when his spiritual students called him “teacher” or “enlightened” was this: “I am simply a man with memory, a man who remembers“.
In short, the road to realization, which is the road to happiness, also passes through the lucid dream and the memory of past lives.

So, let’s start walking this path: Can you describe exactly your physical position and distinguish all the sounds and smells you feel while you are reading this?