November, the central month of Autumn, opens with the Ritual of the Commemoration of the Dead, symbolizing the sense of transformation inherent in this season.

The deities relating to the three decades, Osiris, Hades and Persephone, also refer to this meaning.

Interesting dates:
November 10 is the day of pampering. ????
The Rite of the Oracle takes place on Thursday 18th and on the 19th (day of the Full Moon at 9.59) there is a partial eclipse of the Moon (10.05).

???? The movement of the Planets
Mercury is in the fast phase, at the beginning of the month it is at 22° Libra, on day 5 it enters Scorpio and on 24 in Sagittarius. Mars is in its Scorpio Domicile for the whole month.

We wish you a fruitful month! Consider the prediction attached to each sign as advice to mediate on, using it as a useful tool for making your daily decisions. Always remember though: you are leading your life and not the planets!

You can use these elements as a source of reflection and meditation for this month present in the forecast.

  1. The energy of the stars of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of all the elements connected the zodiac sign
  2. Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
  3. Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
  4. The Number/Quest of the month: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti.


Energy of the stars: +17-16 = +1

Tarot card: 65 – DARK HAIRED WOMAN – Opulence, wealth, pomp, ostentation, daring, courage, frankness, security, self-confidence…

Synchronic phrase: 6514 – Age respected. A son older than his parent. Reincarnation. Time mobility. – The big and the Small.

Number/Quest of the month: 3 –Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz.


Energy of the stars: +31-33 = -2

Tarot card: 58 – ROAD – Path, trail, means, way, street, expedient, career, route, direction, orientation…

Synchronic phrase: 1425 – The tallest trees break first. The weak grass that bends is eternal and always alive. Pride. – War. Being ready.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +17-13 = +4

Tarot card: 39 – YOUNG BLOND MAN – Study, commitment, application, activity, work, profession, reflection, will to succeed, small trials, qualifying examination…

Synchronic phrase: 4163 – Do not pour your tensions on those who love you. The Ego. Respect. – Clearly separate your duties from your pleasures.

Number/Quest of the month: 3 –Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz.


Energy of the stars: +32-16 = +16

Tarot card: 64 – DARK HAIRED MAN – Merchant, negotiator, mediates goods, banker, calculator, speculator, media expert, consumer tastes…

Synchronic phrase: 4421 – The night brings symbolic images of the new day. – The Point of your life. It is now!

Number/Quest of the month: 5 –Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise.


Energy of the stars: +9-40 = -31

Tarot card: 37 – BLOND WOMAN – Ability to distinguish, inner honesty, principles, wisdom, sense of justice, honest person, distinction…

Synchronic phrase: 4232 – An image resolves. Doubt. Horizon. – New commitments, showing you are able to honor the old ones.
Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).


Energy of the stars: +35-13 = +22

Tarot card: 17 – THE STAR – Principles, idealism, practice regulated by inner discipline, goodness, respect and modesty that brings closer, hope, inner beauty and the capacity to see it… Influence: Sun-Venus.

Synchronic phrase: 6211 – Metal. Today it is synchronic for you. Time of meditation and astral traveling. – Synchronic bracelet.

Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).


Energy of the stars: +21-15 = +6

Tarot card: 47 – SUCCESS – Success, finding the way out, the solution, the glimmer… Victory, healing, winning idea, science, the right idea at the right moment…

Synchronic phrase: 2645 – The language of the eyes is different from the language of the word. The language of the hands, through their works, is the most sincere. – It is poetry.

Number/Quest of the month: 3 –Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz.


Energy of the stars: +42-24 = +18

Tarot card: 68 – THE HOUSE – Domicile, protected place, childhood memories, shelter, home management, economy, extraction, influence of the birth place…

Synchronic phrase: 6313 – Truth, you know, is a crystal with many faces. Accept the ones which are offered to you. The path. Initiation. – Death and resurrection, crucial change. 13.

Number/Quest of the month: 8 –Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx.


Energy of the stars: +19-8 = +11

Tarot card: 26 – BETRAYAL – Evil, envy, malice, mischief, deceit, falsehood, hypocrisy, treachery, words said behind your back, deception… But also the ability to recognize these things…

Synchronic phrase: 1423 – The tallest trees break first. The weak grass that bends is eternal and always alive. Pride. – Deceitfulness from relatives. Others are close.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +44-1 = +43

Tarot card: 0 – THE FOOL – Disorganization, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, superficiality, but also innocence, improvisation …

Synchronic phrase: 1613 – A writing, a speech. It is for you. The crises precede Enthusiasm. – Resources. New forces.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +26-26 = 0

Tarot card: 1 – THE MAGICIAN – Start, first cause, understanding things as a whole, the ego. Strategy, border science, experimentation, mercurial influence, essence, alchemy, contained power…

Synchronic phrase: 1634 – Four synchronic events. A series. Good. Prudence in your movements. – Canceling, re-doing, intuiting.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +45-5 = +40

Tarot card: 46 – BOREDOM – Discontent, boredom, irritation, inquietude, inner disorder, delusion, disgust, sense of something out of place, that isn’t right.

Synchronic phrase: 5111 – Complex relations around you. Fire and Smoke. This makes everything more complex. – Let others go crazy and be sane in order to help.

Number/Quest of the month: 7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst.

Movement of the planets


Day 4: New at 12 ° Scorpio.
Day 11: first quarter at 19th Aquarius.
Day 19: Full at 27 ° Taurus.
Day 27: third quarter to 5th Virgo.

SUN in Scorpio, on the 22nd enters Sagittarius.
MOON: on the 19th Partial Eclipse of the Moon at 27 ° Taurus.
Mercury in Libra, 5 enters Scorpio, 24 enters Sagittarius.
Venus in Sagittarius, 5 enters Capricorn.
Mars in Scorpio.
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Capricorn.

Made by Delfino Mogano

Do your own synchronic readings with  The book of Synchronicity.

Get your own deck of Tarot cards.