You can use these elements as a source of reflection and meditation for this month present in the forecast.

  1. The energy harmony of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of all the elements connected the zodiac sign
  2. Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
  3. Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
  4. The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti.


Energy harmony: +24-17=+7

Tarot card: 12 – THE HANGED MAN – Courage to face punishment, discomfort, problems and responsibilities. Abnegation, agreeing to selfless sacrifice, forgetting wrongdoings…

Synchronic phrase: 5332 – It is your synchronic moment for a candle and a prayer. Offer your day. – Deepen your studies and your knowledge.

Energy of Numbers: 7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Don’t force events and don’t isolate yourself. Introspection, reflection … Form is Appearance. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst.


Energy harmony: +41-29=+12

Tarot card: 20 – THE JUDGMENT – Inspiration, knowledge revealed, prophecy, reading of synchronic signs, stable renewal, theurgy, magic of completion, rebirth … INFL. MOON-MERCURY.

Synchronic phrase: 6321 – The pain of others neglected. Go back to where you belong. Superficiality. – Put away the egoism. Do not hide it from yourself and do not delude yourself.

Energy of Numbers: 8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practicality, strength! Arrow of Complexity. Color: black. Stone: onyx.


Energy harmony: +32-8=+24

Tarot card: 52 – SOLDIER – Combat, enemy, dispute, fight, battle, attack and defense, enmity, duel, necessary strategy…

Synchronic phrase: 2522 – To obey is to grow. It is good to educate pride. – New ideas flit through the mind, to mature.

Energy of Numbers: 1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something… Syncronicity. Color: red. Stone: ruby.


Energy harmony: +19-19=0

Tarot card: 9 – THE HERMIT – Prudent choice, privacy, constructive solitude, restriction, meditation, trial for oneself, shedding light on the dangerous path… JESOD. influence: Saturn.

Synchronic phrase: 6156 – It is not true that time escapes you. It goes through you and you fly with it. Be aware of your strengths. – Power over time and things. Will.

Energy of Numbers: 6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Adaptation… Spiritual fractals. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.


Energy harmony: +2-43=-41

Tarot card: 44 – THE PAST – First, before, cancelled, forgotten, old age, decrepitude, forgetting things…

Synchronic phrase: 6155 – It is not true that time escapes you. It goes through you and you fly with it. Be aware of your strengths. – Command yourself how to use this existence.

Energy of Numbers: 4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy harmony: +33-8=+25

Tarot card: 26 – BETRAYAL – Evil, envy, malice, mischief, deceit, falsehood, hypocrisy, treachery, words said behind your back, deception… But also the ability to recognize these things…

La frase sincronica: 3413 – The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait. – Do not try to walk longer steps than you can now.

Energy of Numbers: 4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy harmony: +29-19=+10

Tarot card: 46 – BOREDOM – Discontent, boredom, irritation, inquietude, inner disorder, delusion, disgust, sense of something out of place, that isn’t right.

Synchronic phrase: 2243 – The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars? – Firmness with the heart, you will receive as much as you give.

Energy of Numbers: 6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Adaptation… Spiritual fractals. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.


Energy harmony: +22-43=-21

Tarot card: 70 – YOUNG DARK HAIRED WOMAN – Brunette girl, dark hair. Great night, pleasures, instincts, desires, fulfillment…

Synchronic phrase: 2516 – Relatives have an influence. But magical things free you, and rightly so. Respect. – A writing binds and frees your life unexpectedly. Relatives have an influence.

Energy of Numbers: 8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practicality, strength! Arrow of Complexity. Color: black. Stone: onyx.


Energy harmony: +22-8=+14

Tarot card: 32 – COMPANY – Group, society, organization, community, association, affiliation to something… Band, organized mass, cohort, legion, school class, sect, applied philosophy, religion for the few, selective…

Synchronic phrase: 6545 – Nice color and bad taste. Incompleteness of the drink. The bread offered. – Learning to be able to give more and better, it enriches you.

Energy of Numbers: 1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something… Syncronicity. Color: red. Stone: ruby.


Energy harmony: +42-2=+40

Tarot card: 67 – YOUNG DARK HAIRED MAN – Education, meditation, learning theory and practice, apprentice, student. Desire to do things that can be recalled…

Synchronic phrase: 2122 – By sighing, you are not building. Others are also timid! – Recognize yourself in those who are near you.

Energy of Numbers: 4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy harmony: +40-14=+26

Tarot card: 0 – THE FOOL – Disorganization, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, superficiality, but also innocence, improvisation …

Synchronic phrase: 4551 – The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn. – Do not be frightened by new things.

Energy of Numbers: 6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Adaptation… Spiritual fractals. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.


Energy harmony: +35-0=+35

Tarot card: 22 – COUNTRY MAN – A good man, seemingly simple, strict, honest, pure within, person with good intentions, honest… He sees the world with simplicity and beliefs that are a little moralistic…

Synchronic phrase: 1231 – Community; the whole Community. Connect. – An unsuitable alliance.

Energy of Numbers: 7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Don’t force events and don’t isolate yourself. Introspection, reflection … Form is Appearance. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst.

Movement of the planets

Phases of the Moon:
– day 6: third quarter at 16 ° Libra;
– day 13: New Moon at 23 ° Capricorn;
– day 20: first quarter to 1 ° Taurus;
– day 28: Full moon at 9 ° Leo.

Mercury in Capricorn, the 8th day enters Aquarius and 30th becomes retrograde.
Venus in Sagittarius, on the 8th day enters Capricorn.
Mars in Aries, on day 6 enters Taurus.
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune to Pisces.
Pluto in Capricorn.

Made by Delfino Mogano

Do your own synchronic readings with  The book of Synchronicity.

Get your own deck of Tarot cards.