In December, the last month of Autumn, and the beginning of Winter starts on the 4th with an eclipse of the morning sun (beginning at 6.28 – central at 8.34 – ending at 10.36). Another phase of the Saturn / Uranus square has resumed in the sky, that represents the conflict between Time and Space, active from November 20 to January 20, which should re-present moments of ‘closure’, ‘tension’ (and as much strength to ‘unblock them ‘) at an organizational, social and political level on the whole planet.

The decades of the month are: Amaterasu, Athor and Ra.

???? Interesting dates:
Monday 6, the anniversary of reaching the level of being recognised as Damanhur Spiritual Popolo, reached in 1986 (35 years ago).
Wednesday 8, the day dedicated to the Alchemy of the Living Forces.
Sunday 19, the Rite of the Oracle takes place at the Open Temple.
Tuesday 21, the Sun enters Capricorn, the day of the Winter Solstice, celebrated in the Sacred Woods (while on Sunday 19 the Rite of the Solstice is anticipated in other Ritual Circles in Damanhur and all over the world: in Bettum, Boulder, and Perth—Summer Solstice).
Sunday 26, is the anniversary of the inauguration of Damanhur, which took place in 1979.
Tuesday 28, we celebrate in Damanhur Nativity and on the 29 the Epagomenoi Days begin (the days added to the calendar, according to Egyptian mythology).
Friday 31, the traditional Midnight Action in the Temples of Humankind.

You can use these elements as a source of reflection and meditation for this month present in the forecast.

  1. The energy of the stars of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of all the elements connected the zodiac sign
  2. Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
  3. Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
  4. The Number/Quest of the month: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti.


Energy of the stars: +25-29 = -4

Tarot card: 30 – SERVANT – Paid staff, employee, servant, slave, tied to money, lackey, subjection, dependence, mercenary, obligation, contract that binds…

Synchronic phrase: 6235 – The wind. Changing states of consciousness. Respect for others to be well accepted. – Do not be so weak as to change your life so easily, because of a word.

Number/Quest of the month: 6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.


Energy of the stars: +45-16 = +29

Tarot card: 51 – WIDOWHOOD – Hardship, widowhood, lack, absence, famine, destitution, infertility, poverty … (but about knowing it really changes it…)

Synchronic phrase: 1123 – Every tree has both good and bad fruits. – In choices the weight is balanced.

Number/Quest of the month: 3 –Communicate, connections, public presentation, guide. Extroversion. Express yourselves, avoid exaggerations, have fun. Color: yellow. Stone: topaz.


Energy of the stars: +16-19 = -3

Tarot card: 49 – TABLE – Feast, lasting agreement, fertility, convergence of ideas, solidity, durability, hospitality, persistence, continuity, table…

Synchronic phrase: 3465 – Success. Decision. Courage, being and desiring. – Desire the right things, with faithful waiting.

Number/Quest of the month: 6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli.


Energy of the stars: +14-29 = -15

Tarot card: 39 – YOUNG BLOND MAN – Study, commitment, application, activity, work, profession, reflection, will to succeed, small trials, qualifying examination…

Synchronic phrase: 6222 – Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism. – The Priestess shapes your fate. Free will.

Number/Quest of the month: 7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst.


Energy of the stars: +13-24 = -11

Tarot card: 34 – REGRET – Sadness. Melancholy, suffering, pain, irritation, discomfort, desolation, all things that can be controlled and changed if you foresee them…

Synchronic phrase: 4445 – Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune. – Active participation, free will.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +39-19 = +20

Tarot card: 7 – THE CHARIOT – Triumphal march, ability, skill, tact, diplomacy, progress, superiority, applied strategy, tactical ostentation… Netzack. influence: Mars-Sun.

Synchronic phrase: 6114 – Mission. Obedience. Superior purpose. The plan is larger than you. – Your mission, one day, will be revealed to you.

Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).


Energy of the stars: +24-29 = -5

Tarot card: 13 – DEATH – Inevitability, disenchantment that dries and deprives the heart, fatality, transformation and rebirth, necessary end, detachment, new potential and needed balance, resignation. Influence: active Saturn.

Synchronic phrase: 5112 – Complex relations around you. Fire and Smoke. This makes everything more complex. – What you do not remember now, it is not forgotten.

Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).


Energy of the stars: +30-24 = +6

Tarot card: 38 – ARRIVAL – Arrival, coming, open access, entry, welcoming, getting closer again, coming to some conclusion or stage…

Synchronic phrase: 4446 – Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune. – Binah, fortunate evolution.

Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).


Energy of the stars: +27-8 = +19

Tarot card: 67 – YOUNG DARK HAIRED MAN – Education, meditation, learning theory and practice, apprentice, student. Desire to do things that can be recalled…

Synchronic phrase: 1442 – You await an answer. But afterwards, do you know how to change? – There is not sufficient sincerity.

Number/Quest of the month: 1 – Action, decision, initiative, courage. Independence. Personality, creativity, begin something. Color: red. Stone: ruby.


Energy of the stars: +49-0 =+49

Tarot card: 62 – FRIENDSHIP – Friendship, affinity, tenderness, disinterested attention, altruism, relationship, correspondence, spiritual closeness, generosity…

Synchronic phrase: 6466 – Getting closer. Resolve with calmness and perseverance. The modest drop digs into the granite. – The Tests must not distract you from the Goal. Find it.

Number/Quest of the month: 5 –Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise.


Energy of the stars: +30-8 = +22

Tarot card: 56 – CRITICISM – Embarrassing position or situation. Examination, investigation, censure, judgment, details discovered, clues, trials…

Synchronic phrase: 1622 – Watchful; your business clearly improves. – Constancy.

Number/Quest of the month: 4 –Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism)


Energy of the stars: +38-13 = +25

Tarot card: 42 – BLOND YOUNG WOMAN – Discretion, morality, integrity, honor, modesty, fear, apprehension, hesitation, sweetness, inner values, knowing how far to push and when to stop…

Synchronic phrase: 1525 – Observe your hands. They are you. You must be your hands too. Presumption. – You are not able to love. Yet. Again.

Number/Quest of the month: 2 – Collaboration, union, compromise. Sensitivity, listening. Knowing how to advise (others). Color: orange. Stone: selenite/silver. (If 11: revelation).

Movement of the planets


Day 4: New at 12th Sagittarius.
Day 11: first quarter at 19th Pisces.
Day 19: Full at 27th Gemini.
Day 27: Third quarter to 5th Libra.

SUN in Sagittarius, the 21 enters Capricorn.
Earth/Moon/Sun alignment – Saturday, December 4 – Total eclipse of the Sun at 12° Sagittarius: 8.34 am, Southern Hemisphere.
Mercury in Sagittarius, the 13 enters Capricorn.
Venus in Capricorn, on the 19th becomes Retrograde.
Mars in Scorpio, the 13 enters Sagittarius.
Jupiter in Aquarius, on the 29th enters Pisces.
Saturn in Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Capricorn.

Made by Delfino Mogano

Do your own synchronic readings with  The book of Synchronicity.

Get your own deck of Tarot cards.