“The answers are inside you”, even the wise men say, explaining that the task of every researcher is to understand the world in order to find the key that opens the door to oneself. The Egyptian anthropogenesis explains where, within ourselves, we can find the answers: in a small room, welcoming, orderly and protected, which is hidden inside our heart.
Falco Tarassaco says that a spiritual guide helps to awaken the teacher within: “Let us remember that the teacher is within yourself. What can wake him up? What can help him open up to us? It can be a book, a conversation, it can be an exchange with other people and their experiences, it can be a religious experience, it can be anything.

Awakening the inner teacher, after all, is another way of saying that the answers are within us. No one can teach us anything, we simply have to realize that we already contain the knowledge. I do hope, though, that the dentist who has to extract my tooth has learned how to do it, that he is not self-taught or even worse, is not just learning on my tooth! 🙂

The right question

We do have the answers inside of us, the problem is finding them. Indeed, the problem is finding the right ones, because there are many conflicting passions, anxieties and excesses inside us, as well as wonderful talents and gifts, and sometimes the answers could come from the conflicts rather than from our best or purest parts. Sometimes the wrong answers are mixed with the right ones. So, how to approach it?
We need to know how to listen, and before that, we need to know how to ask questions.

We often ask a question to disguise another question. We believe we ask ourselves the right one, for example, why do we fail to succeed at work while in reality what we really want to know is how to appease our spirit of competition, which makes us see our job as an obstacle race in which often others win.

Incorrect answers derive sometimes from asking the wrong questions. So the first point is to ask yourself the right question. It is not said that it is easy but to understand what we really want to know means to surrender to ourselves, to listen and to distinguish with love, connecting to our heart, and exploring the causes and effects. We can do it if we really want to.

Waiting for the answer

The second important element, once the question is understood and asked, is to place oneself in the serene listening mode of the answer. Our answer will surface like a piece of wood floating in the middle of the sea. We must learn how to wait patiently. Once again, it is necessary to calm anxiety and trust that the answer will manifest itself, without rushing in between (otherwise, it is better to seek advice from others, which is not a bad thing, in the case of need).
It must be considered that in the face of every question whether it be philosophical, personal or practical, there is not necessarily a single answer. It is indeed very probable that there are many answers, all right, all possible, depending on our attitude, and therefore in our hearts, there is a wide range of answers. Which perhaps does not take us away from uncertainty but gives us the security of being able to choose calmly, trusting in our sincerity and in our consistency.

A treasure hunt

If the right question is asked, says Falco, the response within us is clearly perceptible, we must not worry about losing it due to our inattention.
The inner answers are always there. Being able to find them is like taking part in a treasure hunt: it requires skill, dedication and, above all, a lot of desire. It does not mean doing it alone and closing off to others, but rather assuming one’s own responsibilities and feeling like the protagonist of one’s own growth.
Try asking yourself a question – surely, you have more than one in mind – and let the answer manifest itself from your heart. Be prepared to do it and you will find out what other parts of you have already known a long time ago.