Xochipilli is a solar god, the god of light, life, play, poetry and art. He is the patron of dancing, games and love, and he is the representation of summer. He is also the patron of butterflies and sensuality, and he is a benevolent god, the Prince of Corn Flowers. Xochipilli is an important god in Mesoamerican and Aztec mythology, developed in Central and South America between the 14th and 16th centuries. His name is composed of “xochitl” (flower) and “pilli” (prince). He was also identified by his peoples as the protector of games, fertility and the harvest. So, he presided over basic values, such as nourishment and the continuity of life, social connection and emotions.
His best known representation is a statue dating back to the last period of the Aztec civilization, discovered on the slopes of the Popocatépetl volcano and now conserved in Mexico City. The artifact represents Xochipilli seated on a pedestal in the shape of a temple, with crossed legs, head slightly raised and eyes open. His mouth is open in an expression that is a cross between amazement and abandonment of the senses. On the statue and the pedestal are engraved images of mushrooms and flowers: he is in a state of ecstasy due to the consumption of psychoactive plants, which were used in Aztec sacred rituals. Like Shiva and Dionysus, he is a deity of ecstatic states.
In other representations that are more difficult for us to approach, Xochipilli is painted red to indicate his solar nature, and he holds a stick in his hand, the “yolotopilli,” which is piercing a human heart. In his honor, human sacrifices were sometimes celebrated. These sacrifices were a part of ritual practices in pre-Columbian civilizations. They were considered the most elevated offering to the gods, done in order to repay our human debt, as the gods are the ones who first sacrificed themselves so that humanity could survive.
What is the real nature of Xochipilli?
For his image in the Damanhur Calendar, the prince of flowers is represented as a child, chubby and smiling. “Pilli” has two meanings, not only prince, but also child. The Aztec God of Flowers inspired this vision of the self for the artists of the Temples of Humankind. Xochipilli is also a symbol of the rising sun, of the baby sun. Xochipilli knows that the world needs colorful flowers, the innocence of children and their desire to play, more than anything else. Children’s play is the most serious game there is, because it is their way of exploring themselves, others, and life itself, pursing pleasure and exploration without ulterior motives, ready to start all over again every time.
Flowers are the love signal of the plant world, and through them, plants reproduce and prepare seeds for rebirth. Flowers know how to make us dream and see beyond. We do not need to use them as psychedelic substances to have visions; it is enough to observe them, to smell them, or to spray their essence in an environment to change the frequency. We can use them in aromatherapy, and we can take in their essence captured by the sun through Bach, Australian or Californian flower essences to heal and harmonize us. We can also be inspired by flowers and open to creativity by drawing and painting them.
There is a message from Xochipilli that we can listen to today, when a virus suspends our lives, our habits, and our need to encounter others. This message is contained in the image of flowers and games. Flowers are full of life, and we can imagine them in ecstatic communication with the sun. They are of great beauty to human eyes and irresistibly attractive to butterflies and bees, who – with their intoxicated dance – carry pollen from flower to flower and guarantee the life of the plant. Everything is connection and dance, nourishment and beauty. This is Love. It is the same energy that keeps us all connected to the flow of Life. “Flowers and songs are the most elevated things that exist on earth for entering into the realm of truth,” taught the sages in Calmecac, the school for the children of Aztec nobles.
Even though our space for living is restricted, we are broadening our senses, welcoming in the beauty of every little thing, and cultivating emotions in lightness and harmony, life and health. Let these feelings guide us toward the truth, within the heart, beyond the confusion and fear that the media often provokes. Let these positive feelings diffuse within us, let them guide our actions, and let us project them toward others. Let us respect our own health and that of others in this way, spreading colorful thoughts of beauty and trust: summertime will come, with light, flowers and nature at its best.