Wherever we are in the world, we are all experiencing the Covid19 emergency in this moment. In Damanhur we had to start facing it immediately, because Italy was the first western country to be hit by the pandemic, and in a very severe way. Over the years, we have prepared ourselves to face many events including one of this kind, as Falco – the founder of Damanhur – predicted that something like this would happen on the line of our time. We were also aware that this was going to be a delicate year of great upheaval, and for this reason we prepared ourselves so that everyone could remain connected to the Spiritual Forces that guide us toward evolution. For this reason we continue to share moments of meditation, information exchange, and tools to connect to the healing energies of nature. The Temples of Humankind are always energetically active, even if – at this time – we do not have an income to cover their huge maintenance costs. We trust in Synchronicity and in the generosity of all our friends who feel called to support us.
The presence of Covid19 is helping us all to rediscover a sense of community. The situation – which has become severe everywhere – constrains us to isolation, and we are feeling how important other people are, the people who complete us, who make our lives enriching, whom we miss right now. We realize how important connection is, and we understand that we can feel truly alive only when we are together with others. We are learning, and remembering, that life has meaning when it is shared, when we are in community and in harmony with ourselves (the community of our inner voices), with others and with nature, which many of us are now separated from.
A special thought goes out to those who are directly affected by this illness, and those who have lost people close to them. We send gratitude to all the doctors and hospital staff who are working heroically and risking their lives to save the lives of so many others. We also send thanks to those who, in spite of fear and stress, keep stores open for providing basic needs.
For the first time in many, many years – maybe the first time ever? – all women and men all over the world are having the same thoughts. If we orient these thoughts with trust for the creation of a new time, a new humanity, what kind of positive effect can it have? If we overcome fear and disorientation, little by little we can adapt to a different rhythm of life, which leads us to reconsider what is really important, considering what we can transform in ourselves and our vision of the world. We still do not know how this situation will evolve, what challenges we will face afterward, but we can choose to believe that all this is an opportunity to make a big leap forward in our awareness, all together. Perhaps humanity truly has a chance to make a collective evolutionary leap.
Let us orient our desires in this direction, and despite all the different faces of the Divine we believe in, let us pray so that each one of us can seize this opportunity and humanity will distill wisdom and union from this experience.
Let us remain close, through the internet, books, and virtual visits, and may our desire to encounter each other grow: