At Damanhur, we experiment with magical technologies to achieve our goals, whether spiritual or human scale. Sometimes the question comes up, “Isn’t there something we can do to learn a foreign language faster?” It’s a common thought here, whether it’s an Italian wanting to speak better English for communicating with New Life participants and guests, or an international Damanhur citizen who wants to speed up the process of becoming fluent in Italian.

Experiments in language skill exchanges using Selfica cabinmemory-640 technology in the Temples of Humankind have produced interesting and amusing results, as told in the book Spirals of Energy: the Ancient Art of Selfica.

Selfica can also be a support for language acquisition on a simpler scale, with the memory self. A New Life participant shares this feedback about her use of this self.

“I’m noticing that the memory self is helping me to learn Italian. I have been in the New Life program for a month. I got the memory self two weeks ago, and I wear it close to my heart. When I’m searching for a word in conversation, I go back in my mind to the moment I heard the word, and it easily comes back to my memory. I’m sure it is helping me in other ways as well, but right now I notice that it’s helping me to learn Italian faster.”

Share your experiences with Selfica in the comments!

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