Many souls, many different stories and the same choice: coming to live in Damanhur.

Bertuccia first came into contact with Damanhur in 2006 by reading an article on a website about special places to visit in the world. Intrigued, she telephoned the Damanhur Center in Zagreb and discovered that a month later, a group of Croatians would participate in a 10-day work exchange program in Damanhur. She made a quick decision to register for the program, and in a few weeks, she found herself immersed in the Damanhurian atmosphere.

During the program, Bertuccia – named Maja at the time – was struck by the devotion expressed by the Damanhurians. She was fascinated by what they had created, and most importantly, she felt like she had come home. A month later the School of Meditation course began in Zagreb, and Bertuccia started this journey. In 2015, she decided to move to Damanhur, and today, after only two years, she is in charge of Damanhur’s Communications Team.

Welcome Bertuccia, and thank you for the enthusiasm and tenacity with which you are contributing to Damanhur!!!