Different types of communities

Damanhurians claim that the best way to live and give life to the world we desire is to form a community. “Community” can mean many different things:

  • community in which we live together
  • communities of people who believe in the same things
  • virtual community
  • community of intent
  • community that lasts a whole lifetime
  • community that is formed for a short period of time and then dissolves, like Burning man an event that will be organized again in Nevada this summer
  • and many other types of communities…

In Damanhur, “community” means thinking of yourself as part of a great collective individual in which behaviors, dreams and movements are common in such a way that every goal is reached and benefits all the cells, that is, every person. This is important for every project, because it is from the union of visions that dreams become real.
This is also important from the point of view of everyday life. Since our ideal is to give new meanings to every aspect of everyday life, living in community, sharing space, and coordinating time and habits is fundamental. In fact, one of the first proposals by Falco Tarassaco, developed with his first companions, was to found a community, which over time has grown to become a Federation.

The top 3 reasons for living in community

From the point of view of the individual person, is it really useful?
Indeed it is!

1. Living in community means living within a multiplier of possibilities, which offers a person a huge variety of opportunities. Opportunities to get to know other people, to get in touch with different realities, to have experiences, to make our own talents available and bring out the talents of others.
To give a trivial example, living in community means being able to easily reach the person who knows how to solve a problem with your phone, or with the vegetable garden, or with the machine that won’t start, or with your child who needs lessons and so on. It means never having insoluble difficulties.

To give a less trivial example, living in community means being surrounded by people who can tell us the exact word that we need at that moment, who invite us to reflect when we are presumptuous or that encourage us when we are close to giving up. It means never being alone, being able to ask for help and being able to help others.

2. Becoming a community with others means being a little less selfish, being able to express generosity and, above all, learn that smiling and positive thinking are so precious that no one, not even the most melancholic and introverted person, can deny them to others!

What do you say? What with this recipe, less anxiety and selfishness, more generosity and smiles, do you believe you can become a better person? This is precisely the reason why living in community is useful for people, because they become better versions of themselves. To become better, as many spiritual teachers explain, can also make us happier.

3. Human beings are made to grow, play, and live with others. Even when someone feels the need to isolate himself and concentrate on himself, he does so to re-establish his ties with the group. The community is the most natural way to be together, and according to the Damanhurian philosophy it is the best way for an individual to really express himself.

Can you learn how to become a community?
There are thousands of communities in the world and they are all different and unique. In Damanhur, we have created a course that teaches you how to create a successful community.

How would you create a community? Do you think you would need to give up something of what you have today, and what do you think you would gain?
We would love to hear from you on this subject, please let us know what you think!