Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


532 - It is your synchronic moment for a candle and a prayer. Offer your day.
I - Spirit of acceptance. Monastic life to transmute yourself.


641 - Synchronicity where you are the Emissary, not the beneficiary. You are the Lord of Karma without knowing it. A Moment.
V - Preaching. Love speech.


355 - It has already been said. Making mistakes is repeating an error that has already been made.
III - Journey to change perspectives.


326 - The strong mountain. Retreat prepares for victory.
III - Love subjected to Will.


211 - Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE.
II - Greater comprehension from the one(s) you love. Do not stop.


511 - Complex relations around you. Fire and Smoke. This makes everything more complex.
IV - Fear and thinking of what others think.


114 - A House. A house is at the center of every event.
III - The house is large enough for everyone, if they know how to live in it.


621 - Metal. Today it is synchronic for you. Time of meditation and astral traveling.
VI - Meditating in the right way. Ritual.


655 - Writing interpreted. The evolved individual accepts his or her own responsibility and dies fighting. Renew yourself.
III - Spirit of sacrifice and detached love.


445 - Wanting to surpass yourself, when you are not ready, is bad. Moderation and not presumption. Sometimes the longest way is the shortest.
II - Defending one's conquests. Not with the idea of possession.


531 - Isolation. Gather your Thoughts. Offering. But if danger arises, ask for help.
III - Access liberally, but without wasting.


246 - Blood. Animality. Brotherhood, wrath. Be Just. Rights.
VI - Someone has important and beneficial projects regarding you.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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