Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart


246 - Blood. Animality. Brotherhood, wrath. Be Just. Rights.
4 - It is not just to cause suffering.


521 - Not in the big problems but in the small ones is the catastrophe. Correct. Harmonize.
4 - More preparation. Unity of intentions.


235 - Time. If you vibrate, you can slip into other Nows.
6 - Dreams turned into reality. Soon.


332 - Do not forget the ones who are very close to you, with the excuse of aiming at the horizon. Your Lord of Karma is now by your side.
4 - More respect.


146 - Overturn the world. You are the world. Sounds.
6 - Singing, anyway. It is an instant.


213 - The image. The flame. Memories are changeable.
1 - Hunting. Fowl.


652 - The blood and the earth. Alchemical transformation. Overcoming the castes.
2 - The Great cycle does not make one loose time, rather it completes an existence. Peace.


423 - An image resolves. Doubt. Horizon.
4 - Milder jealousy and selfishness.


652 - The blood and the earth. Alchemical transformation. Overcoming the castes.
6 - Understanding is essential, union through the ages.


641 - Synchronicity where you are the Emissary, not the beneficiary. You are the Lord of Karma without knowing it. A Moment.
2 - The eternal instant changes through you, another existence.


434 - Evolution comes through that which takes effort. But also through that which is pleasant.
3 - Attracted by mysterious things. Pleasant. Ancient. Memories from other lives.


462 - Try to hide your own cowardice. Pride and presumption. Look at what you are hiding.
6 - Being ready to pay, no matter what.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on  The book of Synchronicity.