Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart
243 - When the moment is over, all the unspoken words and things left undone come to mind. Sadness. Courage.
1 - Even shyness is communication.
166 - Two larger numbers are the reverse of two smaller numbers. Your imagination is your guide.
4 - The value of numbers is to be controlled.
216 - Life is Knowledge. This the high Aim. The Ultimate. The number of synchronic completeness.
5 - Do not miss your chances. Growth.
532 - Do not consider your task as burdensome. If you think it is, so it is. If you want it to be light, so it is. Weaving.
2 - The sense of your duty, must fulfill you.
344 - Your indecision and insecurity are bad. If you breathe your own air, there is no advancement.
1 - Pain frightens you. Less egoism.
451 - New leaves are the most delicate. But also the most vital. Perseverance.
4 - Help your new brethren. You will receive help later on.
214 - Your states of consciousness are too variable. Focus them with prayer.
5 - Talking to clarify, without losing one's temper.
364 - Rest is needed. Renewing sleep. Clearer mind.
2 - Within you, the necessary forces. Sleep, now, will catalyze them.
332 - Do not forget the ones who are very close to you, with the excuse of aiming at the horizon. Your Lord of Karma is now by your side.
1 - Those closest to you are the ones you neglect the most.
311 - The thought-of sword. Perfection. The storm.
3 - The formative childhood. Be less dependent on those near you.
632 - The pain of others neglected. Go back to where you belong. Superficiality.
2 - With fantasy overcoming barriers.
245 - The Earth is never stingy. When the light does not come in through the door, it comes in through the windows. Green.
3 - Collect, gather, in order to sow again. Nourishment for the people.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.