Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


1622 – Watchful; your business clearly improves. – Extract a good word from what you hear.


2426 – Death. Renewal. Close to you. – A woman. Protection, your City.


4142 – A communication changes your life. Take advantage of the wave to reach the shore. The light on the path. – Changed dwelling-place. Positions, places.


4221 – Give a little gift, even if it is not a special day. This is Synchronic in the chain of events. – Give to who you believe in, whatever you are able.


6344 – Surprise in waiting. Nobility. Wealth. – Attenuating your pride and presumption.


1212 – Pay attention to the question; for a question it is, and nothing else. – Economy and civilization.


2645 – The language of the eyes is different from the language of the word. The language of the hands, through their works, is the most sincere. – It is poetry.


5365 – Give more. How can you think that you deserve things? You will receive by having Knowledge. – The art of Generosity.


6224 – Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism. – Decision, going your own way.


3245 – The earth. Returning. Give “yourself” to the trees and call their spirits; not to ask, to give. – Moving. Changing. New places.


4354 – Attention when going from one place to another. Danger. – Ideas of travel journey. Morals.


1464 – Overturn the world. You are the world. Sounds. – The antennas for receiving and transmitting.

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