Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will),Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
312 - Do not think you have little time. Act. Raise your hands to the sky and you will be enlightened.
3 - Harmonious courageous prayer.
214 - Your states of consciousness are too variable. Focus them with prayer.
3 - Change of activity.
426 - Signs are all around you. Now that you know, look.
3 - Open your eyes. New dimensions.
233 - Knowing how to stop at the right place on the steps can mean gathering strength for a new leap.
6 - New acquaintances, for new relationships.
2123 - By sighing, you are not building. Others are also timid!
3 - The mask of decency.
255 - External attacks. Resisting is vital. Strengthening.
1 - The wise person is not touched by evil words.
543 - The antenna of the Self points to the North. Be straight in the flow of its line. Return wave.
4 - Right things.
343 - The sun is larger in the morning, but it warms less. In the afternoon, when it is no longer a novelty, it warms more. Perseverance.
3 - Do not be like a weather vane in the wind.
464 - Avoid habits. Use one side of the brain sometimes, and sometimes the other. You have strength that you are not using!
2 - Habits to be changed.
235 - Time. If you vibrate, you can slip into other Nows.
6 - Dreams turned into reality. Soon.
663 - A specialization. A course. A State of consciousness. A new problem. Pleasure of the fight.
2 - The fight outside pettiness and for great ideals; it rejuvenates you and gives you more vigor!
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.