Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
6536 – Lie. More sincerity. The song of the rooster. Patience of the Master, acquiescence. – You are always told yes, and you do not deserve it. Learning.
1321 – In the Spiral, you resolve. The True God – Ask yourself a question, before continuing. – Recurrences.
2243 – The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars? – Firmness with the heart, you will receive as much as you give.
5114 – Complex relations around you. Fire and Smoke. This makes everything more complex. – Fear and thinking of what others think.
6134 – Encounters. New conversations with old acquaintances. You will notice your changes. – Do not regret. Pity.
3544 – All the poems you used to write in your mind and on paper, are a Moment. Do not be ashamed of them! You are part of yourself. – Now, going back to the past in your mind causes you less suffering. You can understand better.
3335 – Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic. – You are in the middle.
4556 – The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn. – Try again, insist.
1133 – All of it is not by chance. Observe attentively. – Do not be the victim of your thoughts!
5633 – Agitation in waiting. Calm. Waiting is participation. More pleasure in the wait than in the realization. – The arrow must be shot with a steady arm, if you want it to reach the target.
6422 – Closing Synchrodoor. Re-opening by chance. Science through the Rite. – Interrupted hesitation. Decisive action.
4111 – Tearing out your hair does not make it grow better. Do not waste time. – Do not go mad. It is useless. The magician knows.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.