Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
ARIES 5641 – The expectation of pain is worse than pain itself. There is no pain. Strengthen the moorings. Check the ropes before the climb. – Do not imagine a thing bigger than it is.
TAURUS 4212 – Harmony. From great to small. Health. – Control waves of jealousy.
GEMINI 1114 – Life is born without waiting: wait before taking action. –
By waiting, mutable events render actions more favorable.
CANCER 1625 – Watchful; your business clearly improves. – Will.
LEO 5312 – Isolation. Gather your Thoughts. Offering. But if danger arises, ask for help. – Detaching from the abundance of things.
VIRGO 1225 – The instant is changeable, like a child playing. – Being able to adjust to changes.
LIBRA 5162 – Heat is harmful to you. Cold is healthy for you. Nobility of intention. – Veins, blood, agitation…More serenity!
SCORPIO 4365 – Illusion. Much power to those who don’t use it. You are what you desire. – Learn to be more tolerant of the ideas of others.
SAGITTARIUS 5223 – Excessive fear of bad things creates bad things. Uncontrolled thought-forms. Sensitive aura. – Defend ideas, knowledge and not superstition.
CAPRICORN 5545 – The changeable sound. Music of Contact. Breathing. –
You are inclined to superior things. Engagement.
AQUARIUS 5642 – The expectation of pain is worse than pain itself. There is no pain. Strengthen the moorings. Check the ropes before the climb. – You have the strength and the courage. Facing.
PISCES 1145 – A House. A house is at the center of every event. – Anonymity in generation.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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