Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven(social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
333 – Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic.
3 – Hod. Order and legality.
353 – Why patch up the vase, when the damage is done? It is better not to let it fall. Helping.
1 – The events, the things around influence you more than you think.
534 – Before you sleep, take stock of your day; you have given, you have received more. There are no debts.
6 – Planning your time, and your life.
335 – You have already been told everything. You forget it and want new things. The old things will be repeated with new words.
4 – You are guided by Higher Forces, if you want.
333 – Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic.
4 – Learning, new and ancient. Read. Laws.
344 – Your indecision and insecurity are bad. If you breathe your own air, there is no advancement.
4 – Your fear is paramount.
166 – Two larger numbers are the reverse of two smaller numbers. Your imagination is your guide.
1 – Great ability.
455 – The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn.
1 – Do not be frightened by new things.
226 – Success. Fire and flames. Let yourself go in the inspiration.
1 – Do not stir up useless fights.
543 – The antenna of the Self points to the North. Be straight in the flow of its line. Return wave.
2 – With joy and youthfulness.
556 – The scent of each thing. You do not use your senses and possibilities enough. Use your double. Brain.
3 – Without ostentation, but naturally try and experiment.
636 – The health of others. Right now, your help is synchronic. Meeting.
4 – Look for the one(s) in need of you.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity.