Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
ARIES 5344 – Before you sleep, take stock of your day; you have given, you have received more. There are no debts. – Learning to know your own limitations and resources.
TAURUS 4553 – The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn. – Live the present as the one and only reality.
GEMINI 2342 – Love. Good thoughts. More naïvety is living better. – Regret. Fear of making a mistake.
CANCER 5666 – More attention. The distraction of details makes you forget what is essential. Vigil. – Malkut. Fortune is helped by attention to details.
LEO 4641 – Avoid habits. Use one side of the brain sometimes, and sometimes the other. You have strength that you are not using! – Laziness, your worst enemy.
VIRGO 6416 – Synchronicity where you are the Emissary, not the beneficiary. You are the Lord of Karma without knowing it. A Moment. – You can be the sword. Do not fill with pride: there is a hand holding you.
LIBRA 3664 – Do not think that others have hidden intentions. Your naïveté will be your shield. – Go your own way. Re-encounters, with different thoughts.
SCORPIO 3416 – The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait. – Blooming at the right moment. Less haste.
SAGITTARIUS 1514 – Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you. – Learn to listen to yourself, as you speak.
CAPRICORN 1532 – It is not fortune; it is not your moment. When the moon is waxing, renew yourself and repeat. – It is not the moment yet.
AQUARIUS 3562 – Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be. – Renewing spirit. Rejuvenating.
PISCES 1123 -Every tree has both good and bad fruits. – In choices the weight is balanced.
TAURUS 4553 – The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn. – Live the present as the one and only reality.
GEMINI 2342 – Love. Good thoughts. More naïvety is living better. – Regret. Fear of making a mistake.
CANCER 5666 – More attention. The distraction of details makes you forget what is essential. Vigil. – Malkut. Fortune is helped by attention to details.
LEO 4641 – Avoid habits. Use one side of the brain sometimes, and sometimes the other. You have strength that you are not using! – Laziness, your worst enemy.
VIRGO 6416 – Synchronicity where you are the Emissary, not the beneficiary. You are the Lord of Karma without knowing it. A Moment. – You can be the sword. Do not fill with pride: there is a hand holding you.
LIBRA 3664 – Do not think that others have hidden intentions. Your naïveté will be your shield. – Go your own way. Re-encounters, with different thoughts.
SCORPIO 3416 – The journey is not propitious. Like the ritual during the full moon, so is the seed at the new moon. Wait. – Blooming at the right moment. Less haste.
SAGITTARIUS 1514 – Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you. – Learn to listen to yourself, as you speak.
CAPRICORN 1532 – It is not fortune; it is not your moment. When the moon is waxing, renew yourself and repeat. – It is not the moment yet.
AQUARIUS 3562 – Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be. – Renewing spirit. Rejuvenating.
PISCES 1123 -Every tree has both good and bad fruits. – In choices the weight is balanced.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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