Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


454 - The sun shines even when it is raining. You know it, but you forget it. Being in tune means being available.
III - From an image a memory. New forces.


326 - The strong mountain. Retreat prepares for victory.
V - A smile is necessary.


151 - Why do you not listen to music anymore? It is constant and in time, it brings healthy thoughts back to you.
V - You are solving what in health is a symbol.


523 - A prankster spirit is watching you. One laughs at weaknesses, not Strength.
IV - A friendly voice.


143 - Colors for your children, your siblings, for you. What is your true color?
VI - Sky blue. Calm.


343 - The sun is larger in the morning, but it warms less. In the afternoon, when it is no longer a novelty, it warms more. Perseverance.
IV - Constancy and continuity, always!


622 - Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism.
V - Changing your character is possible, now.


365 - Common experiences are positive for you. Do not desire to take the lead at all costs. The right value is found in silence and in works.
I - A deep friendship from the one whom you, blindly, were not awaiting.


355 -It has already been said. Making mistakes is repeating an error that has already been made.
IV - Now, going back to the past in your mind causes you less suffering. You can understand better.


531 - Isolation. Gather your Thoughts. Offering. But if danger arises, ask for help.
III - Access liberally, but without wasting.


225 - Follow and live the word of the Master. Let him write in the book of your soul.
IV - You are being helped in your work.


552 - One brick on top of another. Even the temples are made of small stones. Union.
V - You realize yourself, now, in a hard manual work.

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