Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


433 - Synchronic answers are given by children. Participation. Acting, after listening, is positive.
V - Play with them.


224 - The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars?
VI - Do not refuse your help to the one(s), young, asking you for advice.


432 - A drawing, a casual writing. Work with your hands.
III - Designing dreams, thoughts. Colors.


622 - Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism.
V - Changing your character is possible, now.


563 - Agitation in waiting. Calm. Waiting is participation. More pleasure in the wait than in the realization.
II - Great fortitude.


323 - Away with the mask. Humility. You will be accepted the way you are.
II - Do not look for complications, but clarifications.


263 - Making calculations. But with your own mathematics.
VI - Strengthen the bonds of sincere friendship.


444 - Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune.
I - Serenity for a long journey.


622 - Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism.
II - The Priestess shapes your fate. Free will.


521 - Not in the big problems but in the small ones is the catastrophe. Correct. Harmonize.
I - Contrasts. Nuisance from the one(s) coming to your mind.


254 - You are being helped. More than you see, more than you believe.
III - Decide to choose.


256 - Prayer mat. Strengthen the Aura. Intentions.
IV - Adapt elementary aims to higher aims.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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