ARIES 1551 – When body and spirit do not resemble each other, little health. – In smoke, the lungs.
TAURUS 1612 – A writing, a speech. It is for you. The crises precede Enthusiasm. A pendant, a jewel helps you.
GEMINI 6246 – Sudden change. Read the signs on the wall, on the floor, around you. – Continuously synchronic events speak to you.
CANCER 3652 -Common experiences are positive for you. Do not desire to take the lead at all costs. The right value is found in silence and in works.- More deeds and fewer words… without exalting what you do.
LEO 2244 – The stars are your inspiration. How long has it been since you strolled at night, looking at the stars? -Heal the health of your spirit..
VIRGO 3666 -Do not think that others have hidden intentions. Your naïveté will be your shield.-Fortune is synchronicity in the pureness of ideas.
LIBRA 3523 – Renewal. What seemed invincible is as weak as a dry leaf. The thunder frightens but it causes no harm. -Words that are not followed by deeds, empty actions.
SCORPIO 4346 – Evolution comes through that which takes effort. But also through that which is pleasant. – Laughing, joking and playing teach you a lot. .
SAGITTARIUS 3146 -If you are so good in what you do and what you decide, demonstrate that it is not presumption. – A light in the darkness..
CAPRICORN 2636 – Making calculations. But with your own mathematics. – Strengthen the bonds of sincere friendship.
AQUARIUS 5413 – Think about your life purpose. Aim at the eye of the target. More self-confidence.. – Aim higher, positive pride. It is not presumption.
PISCES 4136 – Stop repeating “and if…” Only what is synchronic happens. If you ask for negative synchronicity, you will get it.-Doubt is enemy, an obstacle that is to be knocked down. Spend your talents well.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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