ARIES 2113 -Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. – New offers will attract you, do not give up on old dreams now.
TAURUS 4121 – New encounters can happen between old acquaintances too. You just have to consider the person from a new state of mind. . – Don’t get tired of the person who has been with you for a long time. Try again.
GEMINI 5535 -Division. Breaking apart to unite. Burnt wood. Health of neighbors diminished.- Health connected to thoughts and moods.
CANCER 2265 – Success. Fire and flames. Let yourself go in the inspiration. – Now you have a guide beside you. Talk to him with your thought..
LEO 5146 -Images and thoughts condition you too much. Fermentation. Transformations taking place, to be guided.
VIRGO 5224 – Excessive fear of bad things creates bad things. Uncontrolled thought-forms. Sensitive aura. -Do not struggle with windmills. Choose your true enemies well.
LIBRA 6523 – The blood and the earth. Alchemical transformation. Overcoming the castes. -More spirit of observation..
SCORPIO 5516 -Why should you not be happy? Clear water lets the ray of sunlight go through.- Be clear and let the divine force penetrate you. You are.
SAGITTARIUS 2542 – You are being helped. More than you see, more than you believe. – Starting again, is the right test.
CAPRICORN 6114 – Mission. Obedience. Superior purpose. The plan is larger than you.-Your mission, one day, will be revealed to you.
AQUARIUS 1244 -Image – Cabala and Forms. You see castles in the clouds. -The spiral in everything, unites.
PISCES 2512 – Relatives have an influence. But magical things free you, and rightly so. Respect. – Change. You have all the necessary courage..
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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