ARIES 2332 – Knowing how to stop at the right place on the steps can mean gathering strength for a new leap. – Do not be impulsive..
TAURUS 1124 – Every tree has both good and bad fruits.. – Good and evil entwined around the same rope make a man..
GEMINI 3336 -Balance is the golden mean. You are protected. Every effort will be rewarded. The right duty is Sattvic. – The law is with you. Be just.
CANCER 3314 -The quasi-real. Form is the power of Maya. Send out your forms and breathe more.-You are the way you think of yourself. Live yourself more intensely.
LEO 2355 -Time. If you vibrate, you can slip into other Nows.- Constancy is given by faith.
VIRGO 5254 – A surprise. Everything is to be taken well. Adaptation. -Look at the good side! It is synchronic.
LIBRA 1264 – Why don’t you smile? Inside, the reason, happiness.- You are younger than you think.
SCORPIO 2123 – By sighing, you are not building. Others are also timid!- The mask of decency..
SAGITTARIUS 1312 – What time grants you, you waste, now breathe and change. – Write and draw.
CAPRICORN 2113 – Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE.- New offers will attract you, do not give up on old dreams now.
AQUARIUS 2116 -Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. -Accept your responsibilities.
PISCES 5153 – Meditation on any subject will bring your mind back to your Problem. Distraction. – Detach from yourself.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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