Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
563 - Agitation in waiting. Calm. Waiting is participation. More pleasure in the wait than in the realization.
I - Being excessively emotional, ruins things.
353 - Why patch up the vase, when the damage is done? It is better not to let it fall. Helping.
I - The events, the things around influence you more than you think.
121 - Pay attention to the question; for a question it is, and nothing else.
I - More attention to business.
323 - Away with the mask. Humility. You will be accepted the way you are.
IV - Invite with sweetness, feeling like a child.
226 - Success. Fire and flames. Let yourself go in the inspiration.
VI - Indispensable initiation. Ancient instinct.
451 - New leaves are the most delicate. But also the most vital. Perseverance.
III - Foresight of a future inheritance...
221 - Don't try to do everything yourself. Your part is within the mosaic. More tranquility.
III - Synchronic protection from the Mother.
542 - The witness. Remember the way you are, forget the way you were, desire the way you will be.
III - Ascertaining, transforming yourself, believing.
356 - Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be.
III - You are exactly the way you think of yourself. Renew how you think of yourself.
155 - When body and spirit do not resemble each other, little health.
I - In smoke, the lungs.
213 - The image. The flame. Memories are changeable.
IV - Don't remember only what you want to remember.
634 - Surprise in waiting. Nobility. Wealth.
III - If you wait, turbid water becomes still.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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