Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
252 - To obey is to grow. It is good to educate pride.
1 - Self-control.
622 - Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism.
3 - The sense of uselessness must be annihilated.
134 - In the earth. On the Earth. Above the earth. In the sky. Humility.
3 - Watch with different eyes the one(s) close to you.
364 - Rest is needed. Renewing sleep. Clearer mind.
6 - Haste does not make you act better, it confuses you, instead.
455 - The spirit of adventure must never die. Every day. Dawn.
1 - Do not be frightened by new things.
622 - Observe your hand. The doubt of formation. Demon of baptism.
5 - Changing your character is possible, now.
262 - A letter. Writing and receiving. The address may even be your own.
5 - Talk to yourself out loud.
544 - It is a year of great change and activity. Act in all fields. Ask.
1 - Right preparation. Foresight.
426 - Signs are all around you. Now that you know, look.
3 - Open your eyes. New dimensions.
322 - From a balanced relationship, survival is born.
3 - Chokmah, priest, new life.
656 - Stretch toward eternity. The Gods rightly cast their eye upon the ones who know how to pray. The right address.
2 - Old poems re-present new problems. Synchronic solutions.
332 - Do not forget the ones who are very close to you, with the excuse of aiming at the horizon. Your Lord of Karma is now by your side.
1 - Those closest to you are the ones you neglect the most.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on The book of Synchronicity