Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
242 - Death. Renewal. Close to you.
III - Courage in your ideas.
334 - Music. In a small dark house with the windows closed. Outside the sun is shining. But you don't want to open the door.
IV - Don't miss out on good opportunities.
234 - Love. Good thoughts. More naivety is living better.
V - The now. The moment. Laws respected.
133 - The lance and the shield. Water purifies, blood consecrates. Remember.
V - The Word and the teaching unite more than blood.
235 - Time. If you vibrate, you can slip into other Nows.
II - Your life is more complete than you think. Do not underestimate yourself.
613 - Encounters. New conversations with old acquaintances. You will notice your changes.
I - Speaking in public. Hear your words.
245 - The Earth is never stingy. When the light does not come in through the door, it comes in through the windows. Green.
II - Sowing.
462 - Try to hide your own cowardice. Pride and presumption. Look at what you are hiding.
II - Forced attitude. More genuineness and less falsehood.
553 - Division. Breaking apart to unite. Burnt wood. Health of neighbors diminished.
III - You should let yourself be used, if you trust.
423 - An image resolves. Doubt. Horizon.
IV - Milder jealousy and selfishness.
644 - Flying. It is positive. The reading of your name. Meeting point.
V - The pleasure of the name.
625 - The weapon. Wait in the attack. More thunder than lightning.
II - Strength,11, believing.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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