Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.
ARIES 4444 – Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune. – The Empress is worthy of an Emperor.
TAURUS 5442 – It is a year of great change and activity. Act in all fields. Ask. – Learn to ask in the proper way.
GEMINI 2632 – Making calculations. But with your own mathematics. – Recurring events.
CANCER 2321 – One of your past lives resurfaces. These events return. Historical memory. Climb the pyramid. – Conceive, free yourself, look ahead.
LEO 3561 – Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be. – Do not blame the hammer, if you have hit your fingers with it.
VIRGO 4544 – The sun shines even when it is raining. You know it, but you forget it. Being in tune means being available. – New discoveries.
LIBRA 5313 – Isolation. Gather your Thoughts. Offering. But if danger arises, ask for help. – Access liberally, but without wasting.
SCORPIO 3565 – Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be. – Do not beg for the crumbs of the riches you already own.
SAGITTARIUS 1432 – Colors for your children, your siblings, for you. What is your true color? – Indigo. Believing is succeeding.
CAPRICORN 4431 – Those who guide you are listening to you. Protection. Not yet perfection. – You are not alone!
AQUARIUS 5264 – Change. Do not hide your head in a false security. – No self-excuses. At least once, look straight in the face.
PISCES 2142 – Your states of consciousness are too variable. Focus them with prayer. – Waiting for a piece of news.
by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page
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