Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


356 - Seasons and ages renew themselves. You are old if you want to be old. You are young if you want to be.

III - You are exactly the way you think of yourself. Renew how you think of yourself.


345 - Everything hasn't always been like this. Even your horse was once wild, and now it has been tamed. Education.

III - Be daring. You are not more timid than everyone else.


313 - Leaves are delicate, but thorns are also leaves.

VI - Little by little, you will resolve.


153 - It is not fortune; it is not your moment. When the moon is waxing, renew yourself and repeat.

III - Rituality is a balance of forces. Learn.


653 - Lie. More sincerity. The song of the rooster. Patience of the Master, acquiescence.

I - Fear creates excuses and lies. You do not need it.


542 - The witness. Remember the way you are, forget the way you were, desire the way you will be.

II - Hope, with strength. Assess the situation.


436 - Illusion. Much power to those who don't use it. You are what you desire.

VI - Resisting desire.


253 - The Falcon is above you. Illumination.

VI - A synchronic prize for your efforts.


124 - Image - Cabala and Forms. You see castles in the clouds.

II - Postponed choices.


662 - Even a delay is Synchronic. New thoughts, old thoughts renewed. Research.

III - The things around you speak.


635 - Unexpected news. Pleasant. Human being - being human.

V - A Birth, also spiritual. Rebirth.


615 - It is not true that time escapes you. It goes through you and you fly with it. Be aware of your strengths.

VI - Power over time and things. Will.

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