Read several messages, the one of your Sun (your will), Ascendant (your personality), Moon (your psyche) and Midheaven (social recognition), as well as the other planets of your birth chart.


122 - The instant is changeable, like a child playing.
6 - Losses in things make you understand.


354 - All the poems you used to write in your mind and on paper, are a Moment. Do not be ashamed of them! You are part of yourself.
5 - A poem, a sentence, now.


444 - Harmony. Letting yourself live. Fortune.
5 - Active participation, free will.


211 - Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE.
6 - Accept your responsibilities.


141 - Seven is the amount you must add. If you are a woman, 5. This will help you meditate. The answer is near!
1 - Your birth, your lines, the hours.


664 - The Master loves the Initiate even in mistakes. The Tests are for all incarnated beings. The Cup.
2 - Ask him for advice.


535 - Fortune. Favorable enterprise. Intuition. Creation. Rewarded initiative.
3 - Dare. Honesty of intentions.


226 - Success. Fire and flames. Let yourself go in the inspiration.
5 - Now you have a guide beside you. Talk to him with your thought.


532 - Do not consider your task as burdensome. If you think it is, so it is. If you want it to be light, so it is. Weaving.
2 - The sense of your duty, must fulfill you.


614 - Add a tone of two days to your biorhythm. Sensitive seasonal and lunar changes for you.
4 - Weak energies; strengthening is needed. Herbs.


363 - Your place in the great mosaic. The design is harmonious.
1 - An encounter, a common interest changes your present condition.


463 - Secret writing. Reading with the right state of consciousness. Shining.
4 - You will hear words that you are going to like. Search more thoroughly.

by Soffio: click here to message him through our contact page. Do your own synchronic readings on  The book of Synchronicity.