Planet in the signs
In May, several Planets change Sign: in addition to the “usual” Sun, Mercury and Venus, also the energetic Mars and an epochal moment, the original Uranus.
– The Sun passes from Taurus to Gemini on day 21.
– Mercury passes from Aries to Taurus on day 13, then very quickly crosses it and 29 enters his House in Gemini.
– Venus passes from Gemini to Cancer on the 19th day.
– Mars exits from its Exaltation in Capricorn on the 16th, to enter in Aquarius.
– Uranus after seven years in Aries, on the 15th he enters Taurus to stay there for about 6 months, then he will come back to Aries for five months and, in March 2019, he will return to Taurus to stay there for about seven years.
The other planets do not change Zodiac sign: Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces.
Forecast and divination messages to meditate on for May 2018
1) The energy resultant (ER) of the positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the planets with the zodiac signs
2) Astrology forecast
3) Synchronic phrase, from a ritual dice-launching using the Book of Synchronicity by Falco Tarassaco
4) Tarot card extracted from a tarot deck with Selfic Paintings by Falco Tarassaco
5) The energy of Numbers: obtained by a combined dice launch, with reference to the Quesiti, according to meanings drawn from “Numerology” by M. Cipriani.
Note: the zodiac signs are listed in the order of the energy resultant, from lowest to highest.
+12-26 = -14
Fine finances. Possible tensions in the family and some misunderstanding in relationships, but Uranus is now out of the opposition, so the contrarieties are less … edgy.
1546 – Many days to your birthday, many roads. Now noble, now ignoble. Walk with rectitude. – You await words and a gesture, for you. But gesture and words are already in you, ready to be recognized.
69 – EFFECT – Realization, project that can succeed, success, completion, fulfilment, positive, optimism that is helpful…
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.
+14-20 = -6
Possible forms of hypocrisy that complicate your family and professional references.
1412 – Seven is the amount you must add. If you are a woman, 5. This will help you meditate. The answer is near! – Synchronicity in the places where your soul is nourished.
37 – BLOND WOMAN – Ability to distinguish, inner honesty, principles, wisdom, sense of justice, honest person, distinction…
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+11-14 = -3
Use this period to establish your real needs and ways to achieve them. Until the 21st, in relationships, it is important that you know how to listen to others with availability.
2436 – When the moment is over, all the unspoken words and things left undone come to mind. Sadness. Courage. – Time passes, decide on impulse.
77 – HAPPINESS – Happiness, perfect contentment, joy, ecstasy, satisfaction, completion, aware completion, executed mission…
8 – Organization, planning, entrepreneurship. Responsibility. Efficiency. Power of action, practical, strength! Color: black. Stone: onyx. 8th Quesito.
+19-17 = +2
Good intellectual resources and contacts, both to organize your economy and to study or trade. Some professional tensions, especially in the first half of the month.
1443 – You await an answer. But afterwards, do you know how to change? – Words for hiding oneself.
40 – THE CITY – Native place, homeland, origin, country, city, citizenship, town, village, site, starting point or new beginning…
6 – Harmony, education, equilibrium. Responsibility. The importance of feeling. A time for being home. Color: blue. Stone: lapis lazuli. 6th Quesito.
+19-16 = +3
The first part of the month is more complicated in terms of organization, while the second half could bring out nervousness in the family environment.
1315 – What time grants you, you waste, now breathe and change. – Put your thoughts in a cage.
74 – BENEFIT – Gift, offer, generosity, grace, service, kindness, a smile, present, predisposed spirit…
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+29-26 = +3
For those born in the third decade, the first part of the month is complex and, in some cases, “heightened” in relationships. Good friendships in the field of friendships and projects with others.
5345 – Before you sleep, take stock of your day; you have given, you have received more. There are no debts. – Defeated fear, dreams of future changes.
07 – THE CHARIOT – Triumphal march, ability, skill, tact, diplomacy, progress, superiority, applied strategy, tactical ostentation… Netzack. influence: Mars-Sun.
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+20-6 = +14
Venus in your sign brings harmony and benevolence, increasing the pleasure of relationships and friendships.
1225 – The instant is changeable, like a child playing. – Being able to adjust to changes.
29 – TALKS – diplomatic meetings, discussions, encounters, talks, talking, saying things, even in your sleep, signals, negotiations…
7 – Research, perfectionism, sense of mystery. Do not force events or isolate yourself. Color: purple. Stone: amethyst. 7th Quesito.
+36-16 = +20
Many ideas and imagination on your part, as well as organizational strategy. Your positivity may be affected by a will that you do not feel in tune with (do not miss out on discussions).
3511 – There is initiation and realization. Every pure effort will be rewarded. Sacrifice will be victory. – Accept uncomfortable things, if you really believe in ideas.
76 – EMBARRASSMENT- Obstacle, disturbance, emotion, hard to control, discomfort, confusion, blushing, perplexities, emotional tremor…
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.
+41-14 = +27
Good chances to develop in businesses or ideas, good creative and processing time. In the social sphere, some disappointments are possible in the first part of the month.
3453 – Everything hasn’t always been like this. Even your horse was once wild, and now it has been tamed. Education. – Superficiality is a great indelicacy.
13 – DEATH – Inevitability, disenchantment that dries and deprives the heart, fatality, transformation and rebirth, necessary end, detachment, new potential and needed balance, resignation. Influence: active Saturn.
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.
+45-11 = +34
Much energy and constancy of purpose, good business too. In relationships, some of your expectations could be reduced, while the good period for the study and development of the new one continues.
2111 – Your heart and your brain have two different rhythms. Waiting. WE. – Do not run away from yourself. Your Fortune.
15 – THE DEVIL – Incapacity to put things in order, laziness, uncontrolled passion and desires, lust, immodesty, presumption, egoism, also positive research… Influence: Mars-Venus.
4 – Build, explore, self-discipline. Method and constancy. Work, useful occupations, make projects. Color: green. Stone: emerald/gold. (If 22: concrete dreams and idealism) 4th Quesito.
+50-11 = +39
There remains clarity and intuition that reinforce your ideas, making them concrete. In the first part of the month some nervousness in the family. In the second part, do not neglect too much the people with whom you are in relationship.
6155 – It is not true that time escapes you. It goes through you and you fly with it. Be aware of your strengths. – Command yourself how to use this existence.
62 – FRIENDSHIP – Friendship, affinity, tenderness, disinterested attention, altruism, relationship, correspondence, spiritual closeness, generosity…
5 – Movement, unexpected change. Having experiences. Knowing how to adapt. Freedom, progress. Color: sky blue. Stone: turquoise. 5th Quesito.
+46-6 = +40
Only within the familiar, inner, there are clouds that can distract or delay your intentions. For the rest, the period is profitable and intense, both in new ideas, exchanges, projects and affinity of path.
6615 – The step in the staircase. High or low depending on you legs. – Further beyond your own nose.
57 – HOPE – Wait, wait with trust, plan, will, positive desire, wish, imagination that prepares, predisposition toward all the good that will come…
9 – Amplify, develop, anticipate. Being able to influence. Humanity, participation. Reach the objective, conclude… Color: white. Stone: diamond. 9th Quesito.